my baby Levi passed 2 years ago. i still grieve everyday.

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  • #22


TCS Member
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May 19, 2024
Rest you gentle, Levi, dream you deeps. Your purr echoes in someone's heart forever.

Oh, my Dear, I am so sorry for your loss. And, of course, you still feel it. We do, and forever. The raw, tearing grief gets better, it scabs over, forms a scar, but...that scar always aches whenever the wind is from the north. It does not leave us, just becomes easier to bear. I still grieve for the cat and dog I grew up with, 50 years after they passed. Not every minute of every day, sometimes not even every week, but I do. Out of nowhere, the tears come. And that's ok. It means I loved (and was loved) so deeply that the very fabric of my being was changed by that love. And I am blessed. Most recently, I lost my precious companion of 16 years, and that was in February. I still tear up when I stroke her urn every night as I head off to bed (NO, you are not the only one who does that, not by a long shot). But past this grief, this is the Deepest Truth that I never dies. It is translated and purified into Love, and continues on. Now, from his home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, Levi blesses you for your love, which wrapped around him like a blanket for all of his life, and he sends his Love back to you, to walk beside you down through all of your days. Because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides.
thank you so much. <3 i truly am blessed to have had him in my life. his love did change my life forever, and i'm grateful for it. your kind words mean so much. i'm so sorry for your loss, i wish you well on your journey of healing.
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  • #23


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 19, 2024
Echoing what everyone else said, I am so sorry for the loss of Levi, and what you feel is very normal. I lost one of my cats, who was the biggest sweetheart in the world, last November. I think I cried every single day for months, and I still do all the time. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of my partner's cat (both he and the one I lost are black cats) and think of my baby and break down. There was a lot of stress and grief attached to the months leading up to his death when he was sick, and I can't imagine the different kind of grief you felt when your baby's death was so sudden. I like to believe they knew that we loved them so much. I feel very lucky to have the time that I did with my boy. I hope you and Quinn have a long and healthy life together that you can truly cherish.
thank you so much, and i am so sorry for your loss. your kind words means the world. <3