My 8 Year Old Cat Angel Has Crossed Over.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
Bay city,Michigan
I Have been up since 4A.M. I was Told that My Cat Has Passed Away. She was Fine Allday Yesterday she ate her Food and Drinked her Water.She Showed No signs of Being Sick. I found Her 7 years ago Wondering the Neighborhood she had Something hanging out of her and we had the Animal Control Come over and Get her out of our Kennel so we can take her to the Vet. Which the Vet checked her out and did A emergency surgery because her colon was out. they attached it back together, it took about 2 surgeries because the first time they put it back in it came out again. which that surgery was about $800 plus also spaying her. she was already a year old, we decided to keep her and had to be on a digestive care food. she really enjoyed her Pate wet food with water in it, We Named her Angel because we found her A week before Thanksgiving and her 2nd surgery was before christmas in 2010.
I lost my Velvet back in Nov,2016 from fatty Liver disease and Now My Angel is Gone. Im still Not over My Velvet Passing. Velvet Was a Shorthaired black cat and Angel was a long haired balck cat. the Only thing that has changed with Angel was she started meowing alot more and started looking at the Wall and Hiss and growl and nothing would be their. She did bite my dad when he petted her and she made him bleed which i thought that was unusual because she never done that before. Was she trying to tell us something was Wrong? I feel like i wanna give up.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I know the horrible pain of losing such a wonderful part of the family. And you have lost two in less than a year. The blow to your heart and your soul is something that only time can help soothe. You will learn to live with the pain, but time lessens the sharp edges. I know that feeling of wanting to give up, to just lay down and join your loved one. But you have to know neither of your sweet little ones would want that, they only want you to have sunshine and happiness in your life, just as you would want for them if you were the first to go. The bond of love that you still share with both of them can never be taken from you. It is not subject to physical laws, it will never die or vanish, it is spiritual, so eternal. Use it and your precious memories of happier times to bring you comfort.
You definitely gave Angel 7 years that she would have never lived. You literally saved her life and she will be forever grateful to you for that. You then took her into your family and gave her your love, she repaid you by giving you her heart.
You were so fortunate to be able to know these two, to share your life's journey for a little while. Although they follow a new path now, it will continue to parallel your's until the day it crosses once more. You are grieving now, but one day you will realize that even though it hurts so very much to say goodbye for now, knowing them both is as precious as the rarest jewel. It would have been tragic to have never had them in your life at all. They gave you so much, they gave you their worlds.
Share your pain, it helps to talk to others who understand your grief. Keep busy so the mind does not dwell on your loss, and talk to your little ones. They will hear you no matter how far they have gone. Tell them how much you love them and they will do the same. When you look up at the summer sky, know that their stars are there, bringing the pure light to your heart to comfort you, they will always be close.....Take care.......RIP precious Angel. You will be missed more than you will ever know. Please send what comfort you can to the one who grieves for you, you will be forever held in a loving heart. I'm sure you have joined your beloved Velvet, find that special patch of sun you loved so much. Sleep tight little ones, until you all meet again!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so very sorry for your losses, they were so special to you and God Bless you for taking them in and caring for them and for paying for expensive medical costs, many people would not have done that but you did and should be applauded for it! With time, and in good time, I hope that you will shower another kitty in need with the love you did for those two.

May your heart heal a bit more each day, God Bless you.....:alright:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 25, 2015
Bay city,Michigan
Thank you so Much. People in my Neighborhood use to see her Roam the Area and they did nothing to help her. she was in my yard one day and she Looked at me and Meowed and then Ran in my kennel, Called thr Animal Control and they helped out so i could take her in her first surgery was $350 and her Colon came back out 2 weeks later and that was a 2 hour surgery and that was $800 including her spaying with it. And the Manager of the Animal Conttol said we had a heart of Gold for stepping up and doing that and making her our own. My House really aint the same without her and Velvet. i do have other kittys in my household and i also have Outdoor shelter cats and i love each and every one of them. Angel really loved her catnip, i always put some in a cap of the Catnip container and she would grip on it tightly with her teeth and claws and she was a strong cat to. My Mom and My Brother helped me bury her today she is buried by our Yew bushes and we Put a angel Statue their. It will take a while to Heal although i am not over velvet passing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Huuuuuge kudos to you for taking Angel in! You saved her and gave her love and comfort for many years afterward. That just goes to show you have amazing character. Don't feel guilty about "What If's" over the loss. She had a happy life, and it was simply a sudden end that would be hard for anyone to predict.

We are all here for you :grouphug::grouphug: It goes without saying that mourning is an incredibly difficult period, especially when two amazing kitties go at once. R.I.P beautiful Velvet and Angel. :hearthrob::hearthrob::hearthrob: