Miss Zander's Queendom


TCS Member
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Jan 23, 2015
Alabama, USA
Yes this is true, I am Zander, short for Alexander (because my human's daughter thought I was a BOY, can you believe such a thing?!?!) WELL I am 110% girl!!!!  That is MISS Zander to those who don't adore me. Now let's get started about how I found my human.

I don't remember much about where I came from because I was really small and just a baby. And what an adorable baby I was, of course, I still am adorable even much more than I was back then. I couldn't imagine anyone NOT loving me. Oh, anyway, let me continue.

I found my way to a strange house with a really loud, smelly animal. I heard someone call him a dog. Just for future reference, they are strange creatures. Not something I would ever be friends with. I am WAY to proper to have such friends. Hmmm, now where was I.....

Oh yes, this "dog" kept running around barking at me. Being so young I was really frightened and would hide under their home. Every time the people would come outside and look I would want to come out to say hi but that DOG kept scaring me off. So I stayed under their home. I don't know how many days it was but it was a lot.

Well, it's time for my nap so I will tell you more later.
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TCS Member
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Jan 23, 2015
Alabama, USA
I've had several naps between then and now, LOL My human has to work and isn't always available to transcribe my story. Even though I'm not very happy she isn't at my beckon call she does have to work in order to make sure I have food and other necessities. That is the ONLY reason I let her work.

Now back to my story......

I was outside as usual hiding from the stupid dog and I heard a human come out of the house. She chased the dog off and opened something that smelled really good. I was SOOO hungry. All I was eating was bugs, YUCK!.  I was sitting inside a piece of wood (mom said it was a pallet). The nice lady was really quiet and made sure the dog didn't come around. She put the food inside just in front of me. I was still afraid but I was so hungry so I started eating. She sat there and talked to me really soft. I saw her sit her paw (I now know it's called a hand and fingers) on the wood in front of me but I was so hungry it didn't even matter. She kept on talking, calling me sweetie and baby. I don't remember any human ever talking to me. She had a strange purr but I felt like I could trust her. She put her finger on my food and pulled it out just a little and I was still so hungry I followed.

She sat and talked to me while I ate. She would take her finger and rub my head between my ears. It was so soft. It was like my cat mom licking me. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed her "licking" my head. She pulled my food to the edge of the wood and I followed. She continued to rub my head while I ate. When I finished I pushed my head in her hand. I missed my cat mom and I was hoping she would be my mom. She picked me up really easy and put me against her. It was so warm and I could hear her heart beating like I did my mom when I was a baby. I knew she would be a good mom.

Well it's time for a snack and nap. I'll tell some more as soon as my mom can type for me. I think I need to practice so I can do this myself.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Awww... Zander.... As a longtime member of your fanclub, I know your story. But I'm loving reading about it again, especially since it is in your point of view. 
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TCS Member
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Jan 23, 2015
Alabama, USA
The lady took me in the house and held me for a while, then another person wanted to hold me. I was still a little scared but it was so nice being held and petted. It made me miss my cat mom but I thought this would be a good place to be too.

I found out that the other person was the lady's kitten (daughter) and she wanted to take care of me. She washed my eyes and nose with a warm strange tongue (washcloth) and it felt really good. I couldn't clean myself very well so this was great. It reminded me of my cat mom licking me clean. She wrapped me up and cuddled me. I was still hungry and meowed. I heard the lady tell her I needed special food because I was so little. My new mom (Gabi) gave me a little more food and some water and sat and cuddled me.

A little while later, the lady (now mom) gave me some milk. It was different from my cat mom's milk but was still good. I drank and drank then I was so tired I curled up with my new mom and fell fast asleep.

I don't know how long I slept but when I woke up I really, really had to go to the bathroom. My new mom put me in a box
 with strange dirt in it. I had to go so bad it really didn't matter. She seemed really happy so I knew I did a good thing. She kept calling me a strange name and saying he. I couldn't tell them I was a girl but I guess they will figure that out soon enough. It's not like they couldn't see how beautiful I was. Anyway, the name was Zan....der. So I guess that was my name now. There were a few other cats in the house and they didn't like me much at first. There was one who would come and sniff me then walk away. They called him Samy, oh wait, it has two M's, so that would be Sammy. We ended up being great friends.

I was really hungry again and my mom gave me some more of the milk mixed with the food. I ate until I thought I would bust and it was time for a nap again. My mom washed my eyes and nose again because they kept running and getting stuck closed. She put some strange stuff on them so they wouldn't stay shut then I took a nap.
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TCS Member
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Jan 23, 2015
Alabama, USA
When I woke up I didn't feel good. I got sick and my mommy was scared, so was I. I didn't want to eat. My mommy put some milk on my mouth and I would like it off but I just didn't feel good. I wanted to go back to sleep.

When the bigger lady came home. She was gone all day but I didn't mind, I had my mommy. I kind of wished she had stayed gone because she picked me up and stuck something in my mouth and squeezed some milk in it. I didn't mind the milk but I didn't like that hard thing she was using. I finally ate a little just so she would leave me alone. She finally put me down and I went to my mommy, she cleaned me off and I laid down by her and took a nap.

When I woke up, I was so hungry. There was some food in a bowl on the floor so I tried eating it. I didn't like it because it was hard and I just had little teeth. The lady picked me up, I really don't like her. She put some other food down and put some milk on it. It was so good I ate it all. Of course I was so hungry. When I finished I had to go potty. I went to the box but couldn't get in it so I cried until someone finally put me in and I used the bathroom.

I still wasn't feeling good but I wasn't as bad as it was earlier.

Anyway, the next few days was great. I was running around playing with my new mom and the other cats finally let me near them. Except this little grey fluffy one, they called her Lucy. I don't know why she didn't like me, everyone else did. I kept trying to talk to her but she kept hissing and swatting at me. Sammy was my bestest friend and we would play hide and seek. I really loved Sammy. I loved my mommy and my new home. They wouldn't let me go outside but I could look out the windows all I wanted. I missed being outside but it was nice to be able to look out.
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TCS Member
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Jan 23, 2015
Alabama, USA
One day I woke up and it was hard to breath and my eyes were all runny again.  I kept sneezing too. I didn't feel good at all. The lady picked me up again and put this nasty stuff in my mouth. I was determined to get away from her no matter what, but she held on tight.... I just don't like her!

My mommy fed me and petted me. I REALLY love her. She don't hold me down and give me nasty stuff. I went to potty and took a nap. Everyone went to bed and when the lady got up she woke my mommy up to feed me. She never pets me or loves on me.... I just don't like her. I played with my mommy all day and Sammy and took naps. It was so good not being alone anymore.

My favorite game was playing hide and seek. I found a great spot where no one could find me and it was a warm place to lay down. I guess they didn't like me being there because my mommy put something in front of it. I wasn't feeling as bad. My nose and eyes were still runny but not too  bad. It was a wonderful day.

Yeah wonderful until the lady got home. She picked me up and held me. I wasn't sure what she was doing because she only picked me up to give me nasty stuff. I tried to get away but then she wrapped me in something and put more of that nasty stuff in my mouth. I tried to get it out but she made me swallow it. YUCK!!! NASTY STUFF!!!!!

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TCS Member
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Jan 23, 2015
Alabama, USA
Hey guess what?!?!?!?!   

Yesterday I turned one year old. That means I am 15 in human years. I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday on my momma's thread for me. I will get back to my story as soon as I can. I am wore out from celebrating all night.  

It's time for a nap. 