Memorial Day? Picnic? Parade?


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
For those of us who live in the States, what are your plans for Memorial Day? Are you going to a parade? Will you have a picnic or attend a picnic with friends or family?

I think everybody's coming here on Monday. We're going to throw a pork shoulder on the grill to make pulled pork sandwiches and I'll make my espresso sauce. I'm doing our crock pot beans. A GF is bringing some kind of salad; she hasn't decided whether to make macaroni or potato (I'm really hoping for potato salad!). My sister is bringing a veggie salad. Another GF is bringing chips, pretzels, rolls, etc. One of my co-workers said he'd like to come; if he does, he's bringing a cheese platter with fresh fruit.

Dessert will be a new recipe I got from King Arthur; it's "kind of" a cross between a tiramisu and strawberry shortcake with mascarpone cheese. I won't eat it, but Dear Richard is going to love it; I showed him the recipe and all he said was, "Yes, please!". He just had that strawberry cheesecake, but when I mentioned that, he looked at me and asked, "Your point?" Well, OK, then.

I'm thinking of throwing together some simple sugar cookies and just decorating them with red, white, and blue sparkling sugar. I'd like to try that recipe for mini s'more cupcakes from King Arthur, too, but it's probably a bit of overkill, so some other time. Maybe. I may try it anyway.

We're going to open the pool this weekend; I'm sure it's an algae-cide mess with all the rain we've been dealing with. Fortunately it doesn't take long to clear up. And I'm going to have to get out there to weed around the pool, so it looks half-decent anyway. It's going to rain, too, this weekend, so we'll have work in between raindrops. Monday calls for t-storms, so we're trying to figure out how to grill in the rain. But we're doing this somehow.

How about you? Parade? Picnic? A nice, relaxing day? What's your plan?


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I am going to take a walk to the air port to check out the Blue Angels, maybe catch them practicing for the air show. I will be bringing my camera.

Otherwise, no plans here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I am going to sleep in every morning! I have 3 boxes of plants in pots that need to be planted-I would like to have time to shop for some more spreading ground covers. I have plenty to keep me busy in the gardens.

I made some crabmeat salad and need to stop at the store for more rolls-it's something Jon likes and it doesn't give him heart burn. I want to get some red Kayam hotdogs and cheeseburgers for the grill-the last time I use it as it's pretty rusted out-so want to have a last horah with it-then buy a new one next month when they go on sale.

We might take a ride to see my dad n my sis but haven't decided yet-I think we will eat out once as well. We like to have breakfast early in the morning then drive around.

I probably will read some books. This is the 3rd weekend off and I am starting to adjust to the change in my schedule. Finding things to do and it's not winter anymore which helps. just an easy laid back weekend. Sit under my red maple tree with a book and a rum and coke while the breezes blow by and Honeybee playing at my feet is what I want to do.