Lubbock's 27th-TNR-Kitties!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 13, 2015
Who are we?
We are 27th-TNR-kitties, a small volunteer group in Lubbock Texas that are working to capture, neuter/spay, and then return the feral cats of our community with hopes of helping them live happier, longer lives.

What do we do?
We use live cage traps baited with tasty fish-based wet food and set them out at night. We do this at night for two reasons- to try and reduce the likelihood of our traps being stolen and because it is simply too hot for cats to be out during the day.
Checking the traps often, we then transfer the cats to carriers and take them to a vet. They neuter/spay and vaccinate cats who are well enough to be returned, and humanely euthanize cats who are simply too sick or too injured to tend to.
Stray cats, unlike ferals, can be fostered back to health and set up for adoption. Those who are tame enough are allowed to stay the night indoors with food, water, and usually a flea bath.

What do we need?
Since this is purely a volunteer-run venture, all expenses are on us. Things can get expensive and since our group is small, we can’t afford everything.
Each neuter/spay voucher is 60$, vaccines extra.
Traps cost 40$
Food, towels, cold-weather shelters, security locks, and more also cost plenty.
Fostering one mother cat with a litter averages out to about 2500$.

In short, we need donations to be able to run.
We accept donations via GoFundMe and Amazon gift cards. 
Our e-mail is [email protected] for questions.
Our tumblr is
Our facebook is Lubbock TNR Kitties
Our GoFundMe is

We had a good first run, picking up two small feral kittens and one young female- sadly, the same night we rented a trap, someone stole it.
Seems we'll have to buy some bike locks...




Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
From the Mods:
To all members, a reminder that it is YOUR responsibility to check out these solicitors to the best of your ability. Ask for references, phone numbers, call around the area and find out if this is a legitimate cause or a scam. does not stand behind any solicitation of funds for any reason that appear in the forums unless explicitly authorized. Be very careful before you send any money: no matter how effective the plea is, check it out first before opening your wallet. For more information, see Pleas for Money.

Note that this reminder is posted in all threads asking for donations and is not directed at any specific person