Kittens Safety Help


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 6, 2016
My cat (stray one, but we keep her around so I would say she is more like home cat than stray) gave birth a week ago. I found the place where she gave birth, it is at the attic between 2 beams that is unreachable, but could see inside using my phone camera. I just witnessed a dead kitten, the mother first was laying her head on it, but later she started eating it. I got so disturbed and sad. I would like to ask you, what should I do to keep the others alive and safe?
I don't know how that kitten died, so strange :/. I went to the attic a few times, and still go to check on them. I have put a couple of boxes with clothes for the cat to move them, and some food and water also. She always comes on the balcony to eat, and I let her inside a lot as well. She is not angry cat, she is completely fine and good and calm. But I can't stop thinking how did the kitten stop breathing? I am welcomed to any suggestions. I hope that I didn't cause her to stress out because of me being on the attic. I have to point out, there is a little hole that I can see very little, and is unreachable. How I learned? Used the phone, reached out and recorded.

Thanks a lot for understanding and your support.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
In nature, its quite common, if a kittens dies, momma either carries it away and hide it, if she can. Or eats it up. Not to attract predators nor ants.
And kittens may be stillborn or die shortly after delivery by a number of reasons.
So its probably no extra danger for the remaining kittens. Sooner the opposite, its a good momma whom want the safety of her remaiing kittens...

How you can make it better? The best were if you took in her while she was high preg, and confined her in one room.
Theoretically its still possible.
In practice its not possible, as you cant get into this attic...

So you must proceed as you do, try to help her from outside.
Be sure she has food, water, some sort of litter.
Be sure she hass access to towels and the like, so she can make a nest for the kittens.
When they are 4-5 weeks, momma will probably take them to your place - you are hers food source, and she knows you are her friend.

And no, YOU being near didnt scared her into stress or killing. They need more dangerous enemies to such... You arent.

My cat (stray one, but we keep her around so I would say she is more like home cat than stray) gave birth a week ago. I found the place where she gave birth, it is at the attic between 2 beams that is unreachable, but could see inside using my phone camera. I just witnessed a dead kitten, the mother first was laying her head on it, but later she started eating it. I got so disturbed and sad. I would like to ask you, what should I do to keep the others alive and safe?
I don't know how that kitten died, so strange :/. I went to the attic a few times, and still go to check on them. I have put a couple of boxes with clothes for the cat to move them, and some food and water also. She always comes on the balcony to eat, and I let her inside a lot as well. She is not angry cat, she is completely fine and good and calm. But I can't stop thinking how did the kitten stop breathing? I am welcomed to any suggestions. I hope that I didn't cause her to stress out because of me being on the attic. I have to point out, there is a little hole that I can see very little, and is unreachable. How I learned? Used the phone, reached out and recorded.

Thanks a lot for understanding and your support.