Ketoconazole Shampoo Vs Lime Sulfur Dip


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 23, 2018
My geriatric cat broke with a major case of ringworm a few weeks ago. A small spot on his back turned into a patchwork of huge bald spots all over his body in maybe a week and a half. It was the most aggressive case of ringworm I have ever seen.

Anyway, once I got the vet to do a DTM, I began doing lime sulfur dips on him twice a week to great success. The vet recommended against oral meds since he is in fragile health, although he is getting lysine to boost his immune system.

Four weeks in, all the bald patches are covered in a nice peach fuzz of regrowing hair. I know it is important to continue treatment for several weeks after hair regrowth begins to prevent reinfection. However, I have run out of lime dip, which means I will have to order more online since none of the local stores carry it.

I was able to find ketoconazole shampoo at my local pet store and was wondering if I could proceed using that instead of the lime dip. I had a hard time finding any info on their comparative effectiveness online. It would be a lot easier and faster to get the shampoo, but we are in the home stretch here and I only want to use it if I can feel confident that it will be enough to vanquish those last remaining spores. My guy is 18 years old, and I don't want him to spend a day more of his golden years in quarantine than he needs to.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Gosh, I'm not sure I'd risk changing a regimen that is working :sigh: . Did you ask your Vet their thoughts on this?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Wahiawa, Hawaii
I think a one-off ketoconazole or miconazole shampoo wouldn't hurt while waiting for the dip to arrive (to keep on the twice a week schedule) but I agree; if the dip is working, stay with it. You might want to see if another local vet might have some on hand as well (maybe your vet would be willing to call around, maybe to a larger vet hospital that has a bigger supply room?). How is your kitty taking to the dips? My cat can't stand the sound/feel of running water from a faucet, so if you do opt to shampoo, you might want to have some water buckets ready (separate buckets for initial soak and rinsing post-shampoo) and treat it like you were dipping, but with a rinse after. Someone else suggested to me warm blankets in between shampoo and rinse so kitty doesn't get cold and feels more secure.

We're in the midst of ringworm treatment too. Trying to hang in there, but we're a multiple-animal household so it's hard to rest!