Just found this site... have 6 beautiful strays. ... well taken care of... BUT TODAY I MESSED UP BAD

justin moye

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 26, 2015
Hi everybody.... looking for a few words of encouragement... i was leaving on my way to work today and my baby which i named Kangahop because of the fact she has long back legs, and when she walked she kind of hopped around, well anyways i was leaving was talking to my daughter while i was backing up and ran her over... she was my heart, i called into work i just couldnt make it in.. my boss understood because i was very upset shaking.. she ran to the bushes ... where i found her put my hand on her as she took her last breath... it is just about to get the best of me.. i absolutely adored that cat... and i killed her... i know time will heal my heartach, but its very hard knowing im the reason my baby is gone... she was my favorite...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 5, 2014
Welcome to  TCS ..  I am so sorry for your loss .. Try not to blame yourself , it was a tragic accident .. I hope you can take some comfort in  the fact that she knew how much you loved her.  


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry to hear this. It wasn't your fault, outdoor cats are at so much risk and these kind of things happen from time to time. At least you fed her and took care of her the best you could.

How about your other five cats? What can you tell us about them?
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justin moye

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 26, 2015
Thank you for your kind words... After that happened i brought the remaining cats indoors First theres Nikki solid black very sweet she was my next fav. About 3 years ago i was sitting in my living room watching Tv, when i kept hearing a sound... IT WAS COMING FROM THE AIR CONDITIONER VENTS!!! Found the one it was coming from.. pulled the vent cover off looked down and saw her looking up at me.. with those big green eyes... i had her spaded around 3 months... (my best guesstimate)... very picky eater she is, then theres her brother, Micky he has a beautiful TUXSEDO COAT and whos the difinition of a scardy cat... poor guy wouldn't even let me hold him without totally freaking out till around the age of 2 years... Hes the most skittish cat alive... I think he has mental problems cause when i did get him from out of the vent he pooped on hisself from me holding him... got him spaded but didnt help with his fear... reminds me of ray stevens video The streak!!! Then theres percy, Shes my moms baby girl.. beautiful grey and black tabby, had to have her spaded after she had a litter of kittens, but had to have them removed via sea section, poor baby just couldn't push them out... probably for the best, but after that she put on lots of weight, one night i was laying on the floor watchin tv. I turned around looked at her she got up charged my head all i could see was stomach blubber swaying back and forth it was almost in slow motion... luckily she halted her charge and walked off... I felt very lucky... then theres my ISHMALE, almost solid white except for a patch of red here and there, i know weird name but hey my daughter named him, well he just popped up at our house one day to eat, we started feeding him, after about 2 weeks of him just laying around the porch, i decided to bring him in... he was way more sick than i had originally thought... i bathed him good tje first night... put him in the bed with me.. and he just touched my nose to his all night... purring and head bunting me softly... never had him spaded... He is a RAGING TOM NOW... after he got a little older i let him start going back out little by little till he perferred to stay outside... then theres charlie... or as i call her BEANGLE BANGLE, SHE is a calico with a beautiful grey, black, and red coat... before i got her spaded her and ishmale had a litter of kittens, she had 4 gave two away kept two.. RUSTY AND DUSTY.. WHICH I NICK NAMED KANGA HOP... (CAT FROM MY PREVIOUS POST) SHE WAS ONE OF THOSE CATS THAT JUST LOVED ATTENTION AND THATS WHY IT HURT EXTRA BAD TO LOSE HER THE WAY I DID.... NOW HER AND HER SISTER ARE ALMOST IDENTICAL IM THINKING RUSTY IS PREGNEAT by who i dont know but i will be giving them to good homes then get her spaded... well thats my cat family... will post pics soon as i can thx. For listening.....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2014
Very sorry to hear this happened. It was an accident, a bad one. You did right though by bringing in the others. 


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
It would be much better for them if you could bring them indoors. If you could get them all spayed and neutered they won't be some keen to go out and roam around, they'll be much safer and no need to worry about finding homes for more kittens.

You can start a new thread if you need any help finding a cheap spay and neuter clinic.

I take care of a colony of outdoor cats too, I know how difficult it is to keep them all safe. We do what we can for them, but accidents happen.

Thank you for caring so much about them all.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
I am so sorry to hear of your loss and what you are going through .  Don't blame yourself for this accident, but I know it is easier to say than do.  

You have some special cats and sounds like you take wonderful care and attention to them.  I look forward to seeing them on the site, this is an awesome site.  I have a siamese-calico named Speedy.  Again, I am so sorry for your loss.


TCS Member
May 28, 2015
Annandale VA
I'm sorry for your loss. It was an accident so you can't beat yourself up about it. Time will help you. I lost a cat too and know the feeling. Mine got hit but I don't know what and somehow was able to crawl to the doorstep of my home where she died. I found her in the morning when I woke up. 
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justin moye

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 26, 2015
I am so sorry to hear of your loss and what you are going through .  Don't blame yourself for this accident, but I know it is easier to say than do.  

You have some special cats and sounds like you take wonderful care and attention to them.  I look forward to seeing them on the site, this is an awesome site.  I have a siamese-calico named Speedy.  Again, I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for your kind words... After that happened i brought the remaining cats indoors First theres Nikki solid black very sweet she was my next fav. About 3 years ago i was sitting in my living room watching Tv, when i kept hearing a sound... IT WAS COMING FROM THE AIR CONDITIONER VENTS!!! Found the one it was coming from.. pulled the vent cover off looked down and saw her looking up at me.. with those big green eyes... i had her spaded around 3 months... (my best guesstimate)... very picky eater she is, then theres her brother, Micky whos the difinition of a scardy cat... poor guy wouldn't even let me hold him without totally freaking out till around the age of 2 years... Hes the most skittish cat alive... I think he has mental problems cause when i did get him from out of the vent he pooped on hisself from me holding him... got him spaded but didnt help with his fear... reminds me of ray s