It's Completely Hopeless


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2013
When I was a teenager, I became debilitated by illness. Because I missed so much school, I was basically isolated and alone. I had high aspirations and was always towards a professional career. Although my grades and test scores were very good, college was a nightmare because my high school situation left me totally unprepared socially and academically. Although, I became able to function to a certain degree, I have chronic medical issues that place limitations on what I can do.
I'm unmarried, and probably never will be, have no friends, no relatives except my parents, and cannot find anyone on the face of the earth, who is willing to help me. I finally completed my degree, as a non-traditional student but cannot work a regular job, due to my medical issues. So, I returned to school again, to take business and entrepreneurship courses because it seemed that my only hope of having, at least, financial success, or at the very least, an income of my own, was to start my own business.
Over the past couple of years, I have spent the equivalent of a full-time job's hours, in contacting people and even after offering to pay for assistance, have been turned down because I don't have a huge Linkedin profile.
I tried going a different route but I cannot find a business partner. Without a partner, there is not way to obtain investment capital. Without that, there is no way to get a business going because without employment, a loan is impossible. There are very small loans available through a Women's group but through some technicality, I don't qualify. As a side note, I don't It's complicated but I don't qualify for any type of state assistance. I have tried Kickstarters but because I don't know anyone or have Facebook connections, I can't get any donations. It's the same situation with Kiva loans, if you're familiar with those.
I have asked and begged everyone I could think of, even strangers. My parents are elderly and sometime in the near future I will be alone, ill, with no career, no income, and no prospects of anything good ever happening. I have left out a LOT of depressing details. However, my life prior to being afflicted with this horrible ailment was less than ideal. My parents were poor and always stressed out. Since they've had a lot of expenses for me, they could never improve their financial situation. My medical problems preclude participation in most of the things that I enjoy and I cannot travel.
I posted on this forum relatively recently about having an inheritance stolen from me. That money could have helped me start my business. I have no pleasure or enjoyment in life and no prospects of anything. It is truly a hopeless situation. I don't expect anyone to help, as nobody has up to this point. I've been trying to figure out why.
Complete strangers post stories and gofundme links for people in need everyday but nobody would stop to help me if I were dying in the street. I can't find a business partner and I'm not asking for any money. I'm a HUGE failure and disappointment in every possible aspect of life.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I'm so sorry that you feel so isolated. I'm wondering if there are online communities in the area of you interests where you could begin to network. Could you volunteer somewhere to network and make friends?


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
volunteering sounds like a great idea to get something on the resume and build network.

How about looking into something less cooporate.. like pet sitting? there are companies that are bonded and insured that are usually looking to hire people.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 12, 2013
I think I was actually deluded enough to believe that someone, having seen all of my posts, would have had the compassion to want to help me in some way. I have truly lost all faith in humanity.


Staff Member
Jun 25, 2005
I'm sorry that so much is bothering you in your life. Many of us do care, but your posts are beyond the support of what we are capable of providing. It sounds like you are in a bad situation and having a hard time coping with it.

While the administration of The Cat Site is strongly supportive of the idea of providing a place for our members to help each other through tough times, it is vital that everyone is aware that The Cat Site absolutely cannot be a substitute for professional intervention.

The administration of The Cat Site strongly suggests that those seeking information and support that is beyond its scope visit the web site of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness This is a truly wonderful organization and the web site has extremely valuable information and links to other sites that have been approved by NAMI.