Is my girl a persian cross? Cannot figure out what her coloring would be described as.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 2, 2014
I was wondering if someone could help me determine what my Eva's coloring would be described as?  She is definitely dilute.  But is she high white smoked calico?  Or dilute calico only?  I am so confused.  We have always been curious if she is full-blooded persian or not.  Her face is gorgeous and not real smushed in, but she does have the persian "look" to her.  Her mom was full persian, I do know that much.  She is currently pregnant.  We adopted a solid white deaf kitten male in September and time has gotten away from us, in regards to getting him altered, and here she is pregnant already.  I have been doing some research and from what I can tell if he is deaf then that probably means he has two copies of the dominate white gene.  Does that mean that more than likely ALL of Eva's kittens are going to be solid white and none will look like her?  I am also wondering what the possibilities are that some or all will be deaf.  This hasn't really created to much of an issue with the Powder, the father, but still sad.  So many questions...   And please, if you want to chastise me for allowing my female cat to get pregnant under my watch, then just don't post.  Please don't urge me to get her fixed.  I am not a breeder, this is my pet.  We simply need to get the father altered.  Thanks!  

These are all pics of Eva as a kitten.



TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Wow is she ever stinkin adorable!! Gorgeous face, and the 2nd pic doesn't even look real, like a toy!

This is not my area of expertise but she def. shows persian, I think it's called a silver tip persian, but then throw in a splash of calico in her, so as far as what she would be technically called, in my opinion a persian mix.

But there will likely be others on here that might be able to get more specific than me.

She's a doll though!


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
She sure is a cutie :rbheart:

She is a torbie ( tortoiseshell and tabby ) rather than just a tortie ( tortoiseshell )

I think she is a blue torbie and high white also known as a dilute torbie and high white.

Calico is another name for a tortie ( tortoiseshell ) and high white. But as your very beautiful girl is a torbie not a tortie so cant be called a calico. But i have heard of torbies and high whites being called a caliby :lol3: Which I like the sound of :D

As for deafness, I'm not 100% sure but if the father deafness is caused by the dominant white gene then yes most of litter will be deaf.

PS You might already know this but I just wanted to add in case you were unaware. But females cats can come back into heat in as little as two weeks after giving birth. - Very quick I know right :lol3:
Just wanted to let you know so your beautiful little girl didn't get accidentally pregnant again so soon after just giving birth. :rbheart:

Good luck and I would love to see some cute kitten pictures when they are born :rbheart: :D
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 2, 2014
Thanks guys!  I have always wondered what her color was so unique!  We love her to pieces and will be seperating her from our unaltered male near delivery to after the kittens are weaned and we can get them both fixed. :)  From everything I have read it seems that all the kittens will be white?  Since the solid white dad is dominant?  That's a shame. She has such pretty colors. :(  I will definitely share pics of the darlings once they arrive.  I really don't have a clue as to when that will be though.  The last heat cycle we remember was around the 14th of January.


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
Have her nipples pinked up yet ? This normally happens around 21 days pregnant.
Cats are pregnant for on average about 64 days. But anything between 61-69 days is normal :D
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 2, 2014
Okay you guys I am SO confused.  1.  She is gaining weight but not substantially so to the point where you are like... SHE IS GOING TO POP.  But then again, she is predominately persian, so she is long haired which I would think makes it harder to tell. She is a fairly small cat as far as structure, so we are noticing an increase in size, ever so slight, in her sides particularly when she lies down, and she seems much lower to the ground than usual.  Her nipples are a pinkish/rosy color and MAY have a spot or two of dried white substance on a couple of them but not more than doubled from baseline.   Her nipples mid belly down are more large than the ones in her chest area.  She has been sleeping round the clock for the most part and has been for a few weeks now until this morning.  When I awoke early this morning she seems to be hunting for a spot.   Staking out the place.  She went behind my bed and has been very active today compared to how she has been and i havent' seen her rest at all today.   I also can feel that she is starting to have some milk come in if I feel her underbelly.  But once again, she isn't huge.  I am so confused on dates and whether or not her seeming 1 day "heat" wasn't that, if maybe she was already pregnant from late December? If so, then I am thinking she may only have a singleton litter or maybe two due to her not being large.  Her stomach is also not taught, but more so daily.  The only other option is that she got pregnant when I remember the one day heat around January 14th.  If that is the case, then she is small because she still has 2-3 more weeks left.  But does this explain/fit with her change in behavior today?  :/  On a side note, I CAN palpate said kitten/kittens (very gently of course) and you can feel what feels like "nubs" but it/they are still floating around becuase when you palpate and find where they are they are gone if you try again.  The reason for my anxiety is we have three other cats.  2 altered males and the unaltered Daddy.  I don't want them to bother her during labor or hurt the kittens, but I also don't want to quarentine her if it is going to be another 2-3 weeks.  I hope all of this makes sense. :(

random gemini

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 20, 2014
These all sound like great questions for your vet. I think, if you don't have a firm date on delivery, you need one, because she will need to be quarantined at some point, and you will need to know when to take time off of work if you have to. I think you need to know what's going on in there, for the sake of your kitty and her unborn babies... and your own sanity. You sound very worried. The best way to give yourself peace of mind, is to talk it through with your vet. 
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TCS Member
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Mar 2, 2014
I'm not worried as much as I am curious.  I stay at home with my children, so someone is here all the time with her.  Which is probably a downfall because we overanalyze her every behavior.  :)  I am not overly concerned with getting her to a vet right away.  She is eating, drinking, and using the litterbox.  She isn't in any distress.  But I suppose that I won't know until the time happens.  I just didn't know how characteristic it was for them to nest 2-3 weeks before delivery or whether it only tends to happen when labor is getting ready to begin.