Introducing New Blind Kitten to Resident Blind Cat?

susan chambers

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 4, 2016
I have a blind (unknown cause), spayed female domestic shorthair cat who is 5 years old. Of course, being blind, she is exclusively an indoor cat. She's getting to that age where she's playing less and is starting to become sedentary and get a bit pudgy. My vet recommended a younger companion as a possible way to provide more stimulation in her life (toys usually lose their appeal after 5-10 minutes each day). My current cat previously came from a multi-cat home and was extremely gentle and motherly towards the younger cats, but was bullied by some of the older cats. 

The question is......... should I adopt blind kitten? Or a sighted kitten? Here's my thoughts/concerns: 

I'm not worried at all about my new cat accepting the new kitten. Based on her interactions with other animals that I've seen, she will probably not be too fazed by a new member of the family. 

My gut feeling is telling me that two blind cats would understand and communicate with each other better. At the same time, I worry that since they're both blind, they might spook each other too much, or just not know how to play with each other since they both can't see (they would both be wearing bells on their collars though, so that would help). I just don't want TWO blind couch potatoes. 

While a sighted kitten may do a better job at keeping my current cat more active, I worry that the kitten would recognize the "abnormality" in my blind cat and become a bully towards her or reject her for being different. 

Cat experts, what are your intuitive thoughts on this situation? Pros & cons for sighted vs. blind kitten? Other concerns?

Thank you all so much in advance!!


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
I think it would be lovely if you could give a good home to another blind cat. They and any "special needs" cats are often passed over in shelters, and yet they can still be wonderful pets. As you have experience already with blindness in cats, you'd be well prepared for any particular needs of the new kitty.


TCS Member
Jun 9, 2018
Hi Susan! I am also the mom of a blind cat, Muffin, who is about 12 years old. My partner really wants to get a kitten and also feels it might keep Muffin spritely and active, but I have many of the same concerns you do. I can see this thread is nearly two years old, but since it's so hard to find info online specific to introducing blind cats to new animals, I am hoping in the last couple of years you might have gained some experience you could share :) If so I would be super grateful for any wisdom on the matter!


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
Hi Susan! I am also the mom of a blind cat, Muffin, who is about 12 years old. My partner really wants to get a kitten and also feels it might keep Muffin spritely and active, but I have many of the same concerns you do. I can see this thread is nearly two years old, but since it's so hard to find info online specific to introducing blind cats to new animals, I am hoping in the last couple of years you might have gained some experience you could share :) If so I would be super grateful for any wisdom on the matter!
Hello and welcome to the site! :wave3:

I'm not sure if Susan will chime in since this thread is a bit old, so in the meantime why don't you start thread of your own? :)