Introducing 2 Year Old Male To 1 Year Old Male Help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 22, 2018
I recently moved into my boyfriends apartment and while his roommate is gone for a month, my cat (Koda, 2year old) is in his room. I know my cat is generally a more timid cat, but is VERY friendly. Koda has also lived with 1 other cat/kitten for about 8 months and they were fine.

My boyfriend’s cat Yoshi is very outgoing and not nervous about anything. I’m trying to do the whole “slow introduction” and I’m just nervous that the whole thing is gonna take WAY too long and they won’t be used to each other when my roommate comes back (1 month).

Right now. There’s a baby gate up between the two cats and there is hissing and minimal growling (all coming from koda).

What’s my next step? Should I just let them talk it out or wait longer to let them closer to each other?


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. I've never actually introduced 2 cats, but I'm not sure if there is a way to speed things up. Since they're already seeing each other through the baby gate, maybe try feeding them treats at the same time.

You could also look into getting some Feliway, or maybe calming treats.

TCS has some articles on cat introductions, so I'll post the links. Good luck. Hope the 2 cats eventually become friends. :catlove:

Introducing Cats To Cats
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide
How To Fix An Unsuccessful Cat Introduction
The Multi-cat Household
How To Safely Break Up A Cat Fight

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
These things take time, it is very likely your cat will not accept a move and another cat in that time. I would try to find a big kennel, cage to keep one in until they are more used to each other's presence, in case they are not at that point in a month. they will get along in time, hissing and growling are normal, bites and scratches that draw blood are not. Give your cat a high up place he can defend and retreat to, have stiff piece of cardboard to put between them in case of any fights. Your cat will have the harder time since he is the 'intruder' and is unsure of himself in a new place. It WILL all work out in time, I have introduced many cats and it never starts out peaceful, but eventually they call a truce and even become friends. It is important you stay calm, give lots of treats and give both lots of love and reassurance right now. All the luck and keep us posted!