Injured Feral


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2014
One of my feral cats has an injured back leg that it’s not using at all. This one hasn’t been trapped before, I just tried trapping it but it wouldn’t go in the trap and hobbled away. I don’t know what else to do, I want to take it to a vet but how can I catch it? It was starting to come closer to me before this happened but now it runs away.

He ate the tuna at the very front of the trap this morning.
Now I have the trap rigged so it can’t close, I thought I would try feeding him everyday out of the trap and slowly move the bowl back a little bit every day.

I can’t stand seeing it suffering, at some point do I just give up and let nature take it’s course? Plus, if I do get it to a vet, how much money do I want to invest in care?
What would you all do?

Lee Ann


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 23, 2010
I would keep trying with different kinds of bait. Some people swear by Kentucky fried chicken. You can rub the whole trap down with tuna oil. I leave the empty can outside so they can lick it and just get a taste. Let him get hungry and then he won't be able to resist. He's getting more used to being around the trap now, so I think you will be able to get him, leave a trail of little tidbits of food to the back. The sooner the better with the hurt leg.
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I line my traps with puppy pee pads and then drip tuna juice and a few flakes that head to the back of my trap. This usually does the trick. I also have found that if you normally feed this cat, just use his normal food dish and sometimes even his normal food. Two of my feral cats were trapped just using their regular food dish and regular food. I tried with tuna first and they were too hesitant.

Thank you for trying to help this guy. Be sure that if you do catch him that you be sure he is neutered too. You don't want to have to try and retrap.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2014
Thank you so much! I won’t give up yet but haven’t seen him all day. I might try ditching the tuna- I had trapped one previously that wouldn’t go in for the tuna, but as soon as I put the regular food in he fell for it! Good thinking.

I appreciate all of the hints!
Not sure what I’ll do when I go back to work on Sunday, don’t want to leave the trap out all day. And I’m feeling bad that my other ferals don’t have any food out but I know this is more important.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I know you must be going crazy with worry seeing an animal you care for so much but makes it so hard to help them (I know I have and many on this site have too).

We had a similar feral kitty issue - - about 3 years ago, a feral we'd fed, TNR'd, and continued to care for showed up one day with what we thought was a broken front leg. And she was a wiley, trap-shy cat after being TNRd. So we video'd her, showed it to one of our vets, who couldn't definitively say broken vs sprain, but felt it was likely broken. He knew we were in a difficult spot - between her being a trap-shy feral, and he knew we were very strapped for cash, making surgery for her very difficult financially. There's also the issue of after-care if it was broken. We have a system fairly down pat with kitties we need to hold a bit longer, but when we originally TNRd her she somehow escaped the giant dog crate (to this day we have NO idea how!) and wound up between the basement drywall and cement wall BEHIND a giant refrigerator in the small area we were keeping her in our finished basement!!!! Quite traumatic for all! Anyway - we ended up getting pain meds and anti-inflammatories that we slipped into her food for weeks twice a day. And she did seem to improve slowly. But one day she disappeared and we were heartbroken -- we definitely felt she'd died from her injuries. Unbelievably - several years later we found out from a neighbor that she'd fed the same cat years ago before we TNR'd her - - but that she'd RETURNED to their area and was STILL around to this day - with a perfectly fine leg!!!!

Obviously - - that's unusual. If you simply can't get her trapped despite lots of effort, helping with pain and inflammation can at least help her with the discomfort and perhaps allow her to heal (obviously don't use human meds - - talk to a vet and see if they'll help out. We put the meds in food she couldn't resist). And the only thing I might caution you on as far as the above tips/suggestions (which are all great) from the people above who've all dealt with every type of feral issue, I'd try to avoid leaving the cans out to lick. At the shelter we see too many sliced tongues from cats licking the inside of cans. Just a tiny tweak to advice from the above great site members! And as noted by shadowsrescue shadowsrescue - if you can trap her, definitely use the opportunity to spay her too while she's there!

Since my experience with that feral with the leg - - I've had more experience and can offer just a bit more advice. I would call around and find a feral-friendly vet (many refuse to treat ferals - - -and don't assume a spay/neuter clinics that fixes ferals will do vet work on her - - many won't do anything beyond spay/neuter and basic vaccines, as they work "assembly line style"). When you find one that is comfortable with ferals- - do as much probing as possible (some vets will even set up short, very inexpensive consultation with just you - - before you bring her in - -- on issues like this). Explain that, sadly, money is an issue and you need to get as much of a rough estimate as possible.

Can you not leave the trap out unattended at all (secured open of course - NEVER leave it unattended if it's set up so that it can be tripped!!!!!) because of the area it's in, or do you just hate to leave it out? If it's safe -- as long as it's secured open, it's fine to leave it out to get her used to going in and out. We bait with canned mackerel - stinks to high heaven, but it's almost always irresistible. Since it sounds as though you have several ferals you help - - -again, if it's tied open so it CAN'T be tripped and you're having to work for at least a few days to try to get her comfortable about going in it to eat again -- I'd consider feeding everyone but significantly less than normal, right up until the day before trapping. Then withhold food from all the night before - - - and set the trap, baited only with the tiniest amount of whatever she thinks is the most irresistible (we also use a glob of Gerber Stage 2 Chicken baby food if mackerel doesn't work - also stinks, but often works!). Lots of us on here set up our traps when we do trap differently - - -no one's right or wrong - - we all just have what we find works for us!

When you hopefully do trap her - - -be ready, and when she trips the trap, rush out and cover the trap completely with a beach towel or blanket. It'll calm her significantly!

Keep us posted -- - - I certainly understand how you feel. And even if you can't retrap her and have her (hopefully) treated....though FAR from ideal, think about at least doing what we did - - getting some pain and anti-inflammatory meds for her so that she is at least more comfortable as her body tries to heal.

Thinking of you AND her......
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2014
Wow, thank you so much for all of the advice! I've TNR'd about 5 cats before and always had good luck with getting them right away. You're right, they are all different. I do usually put the trap out days ahead of time (rigged to stay open) so they get used to it. And I never leave it set if I have to go out, which is why I'm bummed that I have to go back to work tomorrow because I will miss the whole day of trying.
Plus it is stressing me out that I can't leave food out for the other ferals that come by. I fed one of them this morning so he could be on his way and I put the trap out after.
The injured cat likes to hang out in one of the rubbermaid cat houses I have down there. Last night I had no idea he was in there and ran the lawnmower close by and he came flying out! Grrrr
So now I have one trap rigged at the escape hole on the house. I'm thinking if he goes in there to relax during the day maybe I can trick him into running right into the trap. Only if he doesn't hear or see me coming. Then I have another trap set up where the food usually is. I'm wondering if he won't go into the trap because it's difficult to walk on 3 legs. He fell down the other day just trying to get to his regular bowl. Although it's amazing how fast he runs in the woods when he's getting away from me!

I'm all set up for if I DO eventually get him/her. I have a cage, found two vet clinics that are willing to try and look at a feral. Plus my aunt has a barn and lots of cat set ups so if he has to heal for an extended period she can take him there.
And I would definitely have him fixed while he's trapped, as long as the vet says it's safe with his injuries.

Now I just need a cat! The good news is last night he was lounging in the sun in the grass, taking a bath. So even though he's not using his leg, he doesn't appear to be suffering TOO badly. Poor thing! :(

Thank you!!!!
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2014
Sorry I keep writing but I don’t have anyone else to ask, I’m driving my friends nuts with this!
I’m starting to cave and put food out once in awhile because I feel bad for the other ferals.
I’m working 7am to 3pm this week. I know I can’t set the trap but should I put food out in the morning or not?
Should I put food in the trap but set it so it can’t close?

I will set the trap when I come home but he might not be hungry.
I’m afraid this won’t work until I’m off work a week from now. I’m getting really frustrated with this. :(


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I can't write more tonight as I'm on a deadline for work - -- but I'll try to write in tomorrow in the am. (I know - -everyone - including you - is probably thinking "good lord haven't you written ENOUGH!?!?!" someday I'll learn to edit). Don't ever worry you're bothering ME by writing too much/often - - - - and I'm sure many on here would echo this same sentiment - - - - this site/forum is filled with people who are SO compassionate and understanding!

(I definitely know this forum & the wonderful folks on it have saved my sanity - - and probably my marriage - - SO many times! My hubby's sweet beyond belief and loves kitties- and me - but even he gets tired of "verbally re-examining" kitty issues I/we stress about sometimes.)

So I"ll try to log in in the am - read what you're posting, think, and sewer!!!!!!!!!
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2014
Great news, I caught the cat!!! Wanted to save you the trouble of writing another message. He/she is safe in a dog cage with litter pan, food and water for now. Might be a few days before I can get it looked at, but it’ll be ok right? Probably needs to rest that leg anyway.

Thank you SO much for all of the help, you are all such caring, generous cat lovers!

Lee Ann


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Great news!!! So glad you can help him. Hopefully all will go smoothly and he can recover as well as getting neutered. Yea for you!!!


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I'm SO happy -- for you AND the kitty!!! And cracked me up that you even noted you wanted to save me from writing more - - well, you didn't mention me specifically - - but I know my sickness of 'can't stop once I get started'!! If only I felt that way about my "real" job most days! :)

SO SO SO glad she's where you can keep an eye on her - I'm sure it'll save you a lot of sleepless nights! Couldn't remember who much of this you've done in the past (trapping,etc) - - but if she's getting upset/nervous in the dog crate, if you cover it almost completely (I always leave some area open at the very top as a kind of "vent" to allow a little air circulation - - -but with it covered she'll feel far more safe and be a lot more calm!).

Keep us posted on how things go!!!!!!!
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2014
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know the bad news that the kitty didn’t make it. The vet said he had a fractured leg, broken pelvis and dislocated hip and that was just without an X-ray. He had to be put down.
I’m so sad and sick about it, but at least he’s not suffering in the woods somewhere.
I tell you that cat was amazing, you couldn’t tell that he was in pain at all. So sorry for the bad news but thank you all again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 23, 2010
Thank you for the kindness you showed the poor kitty. You did the best you could and saved him from a lot of suffering.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Oh leeann77 leeann77 ---

I was just SO broken-hearted to read this, as I know this little one had really grabbed your heart (as I think he did all of ours). As surya surya said just above - -- you did the best thing you could - you showed him kindness.

And you saved him from what could have been months and months of pain and suffering. lllAnd, to me,the best part is that he died knowing that he wasn't going to go through the fear of being preyed upon. But most of all -- he died surrounded by love - --surrounded by people who cared for him. He was loved until the very, very end!!