Injured cat living in busy freeway median


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 30, 2017
Hi all - I saw an injured cat yesterday that I just can't forget about, and I'm looking for some advice on what to do.  

I was driving down a busy, desolate stretch of freeway (I-295 through Greenbelt, if you're familiar with the Baltimore/DC area), and I saw an orange cat curled up in the grassy median between the North and Southbound lanes. The median is about 30 feet wide and the 6-lane road is VERY busy 24/7, so I was immediately alarmed when I saw it. I turned around, parked on the shoulder, and ran (across 4 lanes of traffic) to the median to investigate. 

There, I found a scrawny, frightened tabby who tried to flatten himself to the grass rather than run away. When he knew he had been spotted, he tried to run and I realized his back leg was very badly broken - the 'foot' portion was just flopping to and fro, and looked to be only attached by the skin (no blood though). 

Terrified, he ran toward traffic I could tell he was contemplating running across the road. Knowing he would never let me catch him and carry him across the highway, and I couldn't bear to see him hit, I gave up and got back in my car. I called the SPCA and Animal Control to let them know what I saw, hoping that they would trap and at least humanely euthanize the cat. However, they both gave me the runaround a little bit and I am not overly confident that either will do anything. 

So now, I am left with incredible guilt and concern over what will happen to this poor cat. I'd be very surprised if there is any food source on his 'island'. That median is about an hour from my house (without traffic, which would add an extra 40 mins outside of working hours), and parking/crossing there is really dangerous. Since I work regular hours, I'll only be able to get the once it is pitch dark. 

So, what should I do? Am I upset over nothing? Should I try and trap him? Would I even be successful? Is there a way to see if the SPCA found him? I'd even be willing to pay for his leg to be fixed and let him live out his days in my yard (assuming he is feral). 

Thanks for any advice. 


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
If you can ask the shelter/group for a live trap loan that might be the best option for your piece of mind. Assuming there isn't any other wildlife in the area he is, if you go by later in the night when traffic is lighter and set it you should be able to catch him within a day. You can also check around for rescue or TNR groups in your area to see if any can help him. I think if you offer to pay for his medical care you might be able to find more help from a group that has experience with trapping ferals. 

You can try reaching out to Kitten Lady for contacts in that area. I think she is based in that area and may have contacts with rescue groups who may be able to help. Her focus is neonatal so she is unlikely to be able to help directly but she may know the right people to point you to. She is fairly good about responding to people on her Instagram. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Sounds like he was trying to cross the highway & got hit. Is there any way you can check for him tomorrow? The longer he is there the weaker he will get as there is no food or water. That actually would make him easier to catch.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
Is he still there?  We haven't heard from you in awhile.  We all know you are doing, have done the best ANYONE under these circumstances can do. We thank you for your concern for that little fellow. 
  You are a good soul.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 30, 2017
Hi! Thank you all for your replies - sorry to leave you hanging, but the last 36 hours have been insane as I've organized and participated in efforts to locate this cat. 

I ended up getting in touch with the local rescue and TNR community. One of their members had also seen this cat earlier in the week and had tried to catch him without success. Both she and I (and likely quite a few other people) had called the SPCA, Animal Control, the police, etc. etc. and it turns out that none of those agencies had done a thing. This issue was further complicated because the area was federal land, and so is under the authority of the US Park Service. 

Realistically, the road is only crossable between 10p and 6a. On Monday night, a group of 8 (myself included) combed the small median for about 2 hours and set, baited and covered traps. Another group came around 12a, checked our traps, set new (uncovered) traps, and watched them for a few hours. When that group went to leave, one of the Park Police showed up and gave them a hard time, threatening to cite them if they returned. When I returned at 5a (after an hour drive, ugh), the traps were gone - confiscated by the police. I dropped off a few bowls of food and left. 

Since that time, renegade volunteers have been showing up to check the area for the cat. They've also been visiting a nearby condo complex (the nearest slice of civilization) to see if the cat somehow returned there. 

So far, we have not located the cat and I am not sure we will. However, it is certainly not for lack of trying - rescue groups as far as Ohio are reaching out to see how they can help. We'll continue to look for him and i will hopefully have a happy update next time I post :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Wow, you really are a stand-up person. Problem is cats do not show weakness. He may have crawled off somewhere to hide or, sad to say, even die from his injury. I very much doubt he would have remained on that island much longer after you saw him. Hopefully, there will be a happy ending, but at least you & the many others tried.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
I agree 100 % with what  Primula said.  You truly are a stand up person and have done everything humanly possible to find that cat.  More than likely the cat will not be found, alive anyway, but you will know when the time is right to end the search.  Who knows, I could be wrong, and this is one of those times I hope I am.  Please do keep us posted. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 23, 2010
I am so glad there are good people like you in the world. Good people have to be extra good to make up for all the bad in the world. Thank you for helping the kitty.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
I am so glad there are good people like you in the world. Good people have to be extra good to make up for all the bad in the world. Thank you for helping the kitty.
    I am sooo impressed at your successful efforts to rally the troops! The confiscation of the traps is rather disheartening and I hope that the rescue groups can find an attorney to help them get their traps back without any hassle or fines - maybe the supervisor will be willing to informally give the traps back. If not, let us know and maybe we can start a letter writing campaign!