Infection, IBD, or Cancer


TCS Member
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Sep 8, 2022
Hello, this is my first post here. Unfortunately, it's not under the best conditions. I've been doing a lot of reading the last few days trying to learn about what might be ailing my cat (including many posts from this site). She is 15, but has always been very energetic. That all changed about a week ago when she fell ill and would no longer eat and drank lots of water. We ended up taking her to the vet and she got fluids and blood work done. She was dehydrated despite all the drinking. The vet thought it might be kidney related and that's what we were preparing ourselves for. Her kidney function appears to be normal based off the blood tests, as well as her thyroid. Her WBC ended up being the most concerning at 57, 80% neutrophils. We were told the next step would be an ultrasound to gather more information. Sadly, we are not sure we can afford this test and the additional test that would probably follow. The vet prescribed mirataz for her appetite, prednisolone for inflammation, and orbax for possible infection.

Through all the reading the past couple days, I've come to understand that steroids can affect biopsy results. This has me concerned because if we do manage to get the money for this ultrasound diagnostic, I'd hate for the test to be inconclusive because of steroids. Does it affect all types of biopsies, or is it only in regards to the more invasive biopsies to determine if it is small cell lymphoma or IBD? I'm asking because I might do the ultrasound first which may involve a biopsy with a needle if they see masses on the imaging, but from what I understand these would probably be different types of cancer than SCL. The nurse told me steroids would be fine while conducting this test, but I want to be sure, as they never informed me the steroids would affect future diagnostics if I chose to do them. Also, does anyone have experience giving a cat this combination of drugs? I'm mostly concerned about the side effects from the orbax, because my cat has a neurological disorder. I pointed this out to the vet, but he seemed insistent that she take it "just in case" it's an infection because it is very effective and broad spectrum. She hasn't really shown signs of fever, has not vomited, and only a couple days of diarrhea. I am worried this antibiotic will make her worse, mess up her gut flora and make her not eat again. She is barely gaining weight again due to the mirataz and is actually jumping on things which she hasn't done in days. Anyway, I'm really lost about the whole situation so if anyone has any general advice and anecdotal experience to share I would be most appreciative. I certainly don't want to do more harm to my cat by trying to throw all these treatments at her at once and hope something works. My last question is if it DOES affect all biopsies, how long would I have to stop the steroids before it was "clear" to get better biopsies? Just a little history as well, she has always been a very picky eater. She also began throwing up dry food a few years back so we only feed her wet food now. She didn't really have issues with diarrhea and has had normal bowel movements most of her life. So this all feels very sudden if it is IBD. I feel very overwhelmed by all this. Thanks for reading and hope to hear from people with any insight.
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TCS Member
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Sep 8, 2022
I can't help with the meds, but I was wondering, is this a cat only clinic?

Find a Veterinarian and Practice | The Cat Community

There might be something here to help;
No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat’s Life – TheCatSite Articles
Thank you.

No, this is not a cat specific vet. I have considered switching to one, but we were in a bit of a panic and booked the first available appointment with the animal hospital she had been to before for a non emergency visit in the past.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I would think you would want to wait to see if the antibiotics, steroids, and mirataz help first before jumping into an ultrasound.

My 18+yo has had Orbax before with no issues - but, of course, that is not to say it cannot affect other cats differently. Many folks give their cats a probiotic called saccharomyces boulardii, which does not interfere with antibiotics as many other probiotics do, and it can help with gut flora. The benefits of using S. Boulardii for cats– FullBucket Health

Re: the ultrasound and fine needle aspiration. The ultrasound could by itself help to pinpoint possible IBD just by seeing if there is thickening of the intestinal wall. But, even then, there does not appear to be a definitive diagnosis for IBD, even with an actual biopsy. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) would likely not be done if there is no 'suspicious' tissue to aspirate. A few doses of steroids should probably not affect an FNA, but I do think you do need to do additional research on that aspect as to how long after even a few doses of steroids you should wait. The lesser time she is on steroids, the shorter time before they would stop affecting FNA results.

Lastly, Feeby's SCL was just recently diagnosed via an ultrasound, an FNA, and then a PARR assay on the FNA tissue to determine the cells were SCL related. She does not have intestinal wall thickening, but rather some enlarged intestinal lymph nodes on which the FNA/PARR was performed. So, it is possible to determine SCL via this mode - otherwise, yes, you are right it would determine inflammation only. Feeby was not on any steroids before her ultrasounds and related testing. (Btw, the neutrophil reading is not a definite indicator of SCL, as Feeby's count is normal.)

I am only giving you a brief run down on all of this, but as I said to begin with - see what happens with the current med regimen before you jump into a whole lot of additional testing and continue to do more research. All of this will give you time to save the money you may need to go forward.
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TCS Member
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Sep 8, 2022
Thanks for the reply. The info about your experience with Feeby really helps to understand the possibilities. Is FullBucket Health a good place to buy this probiotic? I imagine it's gonna take a while to get to me so I hope it would be okay to take the antibiotic for a few days without it, since this is a bit time sensitive. I've read that it's difficult to stop the steroids once started, and it might decrease their effectiveness once restarted. Based off IBDKitties some doctors will not do diagnostic biopsies unless the cat has been off steroids for 6 weeks, which seems rather long. Not sure where else to look to get an answer for the very short duration she had. I've asked the IBD group on facebook, but no answers yet. I'm thinking I will start the antibiotic and see how she responds. If her appetite is still good after the treatment (14 days) I can attempt to taper her off the mirataz to see if her appetite is still there. If not, I will either choose the ultrasound or start the steroids. Fingers crossed.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
S. boulardii can be gotten off most any web site. It is also sold in some pet stores. Here is one I have seen recommended on this site - Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS - 5 Billion Viable Organisms Per Serving - 90 Delayed Release Veggie Caps - Probiotic + Prebiotic - Intestinal Tract Support - Up to 90 Servings, but I am sure you can find it elsewhere as well. A few days on the antibiotics before getting the s. boulardii is probably not going to make a big difference.

I am still of the mindset that a short stint of steroids shouldn't require 6 weeks to clear her system. Hoping you hear from the IBD FB group soon. Will be interested in what they have to say. Wish I could help more. Still waiting for other members to 'pipe in' - sometimes it just takes a while before responses get 'rolling'.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
There’s a newer antibiotic from the same family as Orbax called Veraflox (pradofloxacin.) Its course is shorter: 7 days vs 14 days. And thus its risk for adverse effects is also lower.

Steroids are immuno-modulating/immuno-suppressing. If you suspect an infection, you want to do the antibiotics before the steroids.

Antibiotics often adversely affect a cat’s appetite—another reason to prefer a shorter course if that’s an option. The Mirataz should help. You can also ask about an anti-nausea drug called Zofran (ondansetron.) My Betty takes a 1 mg dose or 1/4 of a pill. She takes this twice a day. A 10 pill prescription would last us two and a half weeks. We’re still not sure why she still needs it. It’s probably related to her IBD. With steroids alone, her appetite cratered when I tried to get her off the ondansetron. But with it, she eats like a champ.

Personally I would go with the ultrasound before steroids regardless of whether you pursue a biopsy. It could help rule in or rule out certain things before pred can possibly distort the picture.