I Don't Like My Cats...


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 24, 2017
Well, first of all, I love cats. I pet every stray I see, and bring them food. And even rescued the 2 cats I have now, two weeks ago. However, I just don't feel happy with how they are. I got them and thought I was going to get the cat that follows you around, and is up to play with you till it tires.
But what I got? Well, a pair of kittens that most of the time want to wrestle between them (That's not bad, I just feel jealous because they don't pay attention to me), a pair of one day playful and another day fearful kittens, a pair of kittens that don't like to be picked up (After some time [Like 10 seconds] they start to squirm and kick your arm with the back legs claws). They are playful, they purr and sometimes sleep on my lap, but there's something I just feel it's lacking. They have two weeks in my house, and everday I get a feeling that I'm not enjoying them. Don't misunderstand me, in my college campus there are a lot of cats and I enjoy them more than my two cats, like I enjoy strays more than my own cats.
What's wrong with me?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 30, 2017
Nothing wrong with you. I have 2 rescue cats, one tom and one female. The 18 month whimpy tom lost his bro 8 months ago so I got a 3 yo female for company for him. He eats like a pig and she goes in and out of the catflap all day. She is a whinger and wakes me up outside my bedroom door howling, going on and on until I can't stand it anymore. I give them lots of affection but some days I don't like them much and other days when they're better behaved I love them. That's life. I never mistreat them but I do swear at them when they drive me crazy.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 31, 2017
There's nothing wrong with you, nothing you can do if you don't like the way they are. You don't have to keep them, if you end up never liking them you should keep looking for one that clicks with you. Maybe you should give it a little longer though if it's only been two weeks.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I think you just need to adjust your expectations. They’re babies and they want to play.

Are the cats on campus spayed and neutered? Are you allowed to have cats in your dorm?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 24, 2017
Nothing wrong with you. I have 2 rescue cats, one tom and one female. The 18 month whimpy tom lost his bro 8 months ago so I got a 3 yo female for company for him. He eats like a pig and she goes in and out of the catflap all day. She is a whinger and wakes me up outside my bedroom door howling, going on and on until I can't stand it anymore. I give them lots of affection but some days I don't like them much and other days when they're better behaved I love them. That's life. I never mistreat them but I do swear at them when they drive me crazy.
Where have you been all my life bro? We have the same feeling. I would never hit them, but like you say some days I like them more than others. That's why I always dismiss that feeling of wanting to give them away for adoption, it's temporary.
I think you just need to adjust your expectations. They’re babies and they want to play.

Are the cats on campus spayed and neutered? Are you allowed to have cats in your dorm?
They aren't spayed. The kittens always end up being adopted by someone. Mama cat gave birth to 4 and there's only one remaining. I pet her all day and call her baby, and bring them food. We don't have a residence in our campus.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
I do understand, I am not a kitten person. I have raised them and tolerated their antics and damage only because I adore cats, fully grown cats. If your dislike however isn’t simply related to their age but rather cats in general then best to rehome them now when they are more easily adoptable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Where have you been all my life bro? We have the same feeling. I would never hit them, but like you say some days I like them more than others. That's why I always dismiss that feeling of wanting to give them away for adoption, it's temporary.

They aren't spayed. The kittens always end up being adopted by someone. Mama cat gave birth to 4 and there's only one remaining. I pet her all day and call her baby, and bring them food. We don't have a residence in our campus.
Spaying the cats would be the very best thing to do for them. Even if the kittens are adopted, it’s not healthy for moms to be going through litter after litter and mating after mating.

Where are you located? We can help you to find a low cost clinic in your area. I bet the college would want to help!

As to your kittens, you really do need to let them come to you, and to accept them as they are. Are you interested in doing that? Have you taken them to a vet?


TCS Member
Oct 12, 2017
I felt the exact same way with my kitten when I first got him. I wanted a kitten who'd sleep with me in my bed, cuddle with me, sit on my lap, let me pick him up, pet him etc. And he was none of those, hates being picked up, tolerates being petted then goes away, won't go on my lap, isn't well socialized. Only affection I get from him is the occasional bump/putt on my leg. So I'm extremely jealous your cat sleeps on your lap! I just kept fantasizing about giving him away and getting another, a different cat which I made sure is a lap-cat. I would also get really frustrated with him because he was all work and no payoff. But I felt guilty like you, and to be honest, there is nothing wrong with wanting two parties happy, not just the cats.
What I recommend, since you're lucky enough to get them young is that you put them on mealtime instead of free-feeding, this will make them associate you with the thing they want most, which is food. And now you associate other things with food, such as picking them up, then put them down immediately, give them a treat(or a meal). Keep doing this till you pick them up, and feed them treats sort of like a baby in your hand. It'll take time for them to understand what's going on and associate being picked up with good things. After a while you can pick them up and keep them held for few seconds then give them a treat, then put em down, hopefully as they get older they'll want to be picked up or atleast tolerate it. I gave up on trying to pick him up because other people in my household (kids)would just try to hold him as long as possible with no treats, so he just hated it. But if it's just you, try it! I got my cat to like pets now atleast, I'd just give him meals after I pet and cuddled with him. He also meows and chirps for attention now. Also if it doesn't work out, you will only get attached to them once you stop hoping they'll change to the cats you wanted. If that's not possible, there is no shame if you can rehome them to a home they're safe and happy.
Also the skittishness should stop overtime assuming you're not scaring them, and you successfully play with them with appropriate toys. Also it's best to ignore their existence when they're scared instead of trying to reassure them. My kitten took 2 months to stop having those 'skittish' days. Don't stress too much about that, I did and I realized with cats it just takes patience and time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I think it's human nature to feel dissatisfied with those we live with. Some parents may enjoy other people's kids more than their own, many people are always looking at someone who's not their partner, etc. And there may be a little bit of post-commitment depression, too. That's fairly common.

You have to decide if you can live with their personalities or not. Kittens are naughty and crazy, so try to consider what they'll be like for the next 15-20 years instead of just looking at their kitten wildness. If you decide that you can't live with them, do find them a good new home soon, while they're still cute and adoptable. And be sure to adopt an adult cat next time, one with an established personality.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 11, 2017
im sort of in the same position i had a bengle for about 5 yrs when she died in march i thought all cats wouild be like her never scratched or bit anyone never got into trouble always loved to be held in july we got a savanah kitty boy was i wrong she is tatal opposit of my other she is a trouble maker she scraches and bites and cries to much and doesnt like to be held she eats lot more then my other ever did
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 24, 2017
Spaying the cats would be the very best thing to do for them. Even if the kittens are adopted, it’s not healthy for moms to be going through litter after litter and mating after mating.

Where are you located? We can help you to find a low cost clinic in your area. I bet the college would want to help!

As to your kittens, you really do need to let them come to you, and to accept them as they are. Are you interested in doing that? Have you taken them to a vet?
I don't live in the States man, sadly. Indeed I can accept them as they are. They sleep on my lap and play with me, but they would rather wrestle together. I just want to get them used to being picked up.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
I don't live in the States man, sadly. Indeed I can accept them as they are. They sleep on my lap and play with me, but they would rather wrestle together. I just want to get them used to being picked up.
Where are you located?


High Priest of Freya, The Slightly Bitey.
Super Cat
Sep 22, 2016
St. Louis Metro Area
They don't sound unusual for kittens, or unaffectionate for kittens. I prefer grown cats as well. kittens are cute but annoying.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
It takes time to form a bond with our pets. I remember when my 2 were babies (littermates) I looked forward to them being at the age/stage where we have a routine companionship. Just remember they won't be kittens for long.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Just give them some time. They're just kittens. It takes time to form a strong bond and you'll have ups and downs.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 30, 2008
Upstate New York
I am less tolerant than the rest of you because I've always felt that I adjust to my cats and don't expect them to behave in any specific way toward me. They are independent beings as far as I'm concerned with a right to whatever personality they have. In fact, one of the delights of living with a cat (in my opinion) is observing their individuality.

I tend to bond with a cat within a couple of hours, so there's never a question of 'disliking' my cats. They are who they are--and I love them for being who they are.