How Can I Get Rid Of A Local Agressive Cat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2018
I have two cats, a small - slightly fat - neutered female and a larger neutered male, both of them brother and sister and only just turned one years old. Since we first let them outdoors - which was about 5/6 months ago - every single night is the same. We have a small cat flap that we installed recently due to problems with a local Tom Cat. This cat is a large ginger male and I guess could be described as the “alpha” around where we live. I’ve seen many cats come and go around my place - including a very large black and white cat who was considered as “dangerous” where we live but he was nothing compared to this cat - this cat now seems to be a major problem not just for me but for my neighbours also. This ginger cat has caused my neighbours cat - who only has one eye - some bad injuries and is always a problem; this cat will always attack my neighbours cat if he sees him.

Before we had our cat flap we would let our cats go out at night, only some nights but we had to stop this due to this cat coming and attcking our cats. My male cat was very submissive to this ginger cat as he is very young and not as strong, however even though both of my cats are submissive to this cat, it continues to attack aggressively towards my cats as if this is not just for dominance and I fear what would happen if our cats were unable to get away. Before we had our cat flap some nights I would I wake up at 2:00-4:00am go running down the stairs to rescue my cats from outdoors because this cat had cornered my cats and was attacking them. Since we had the cat flap they are able to escape, however things have gotten worse.

My male cat does not seem to be submissive to this cat no longer and if seems this ginger Tom he will chase him and attack him, although he seems to have lost weight and we fear he may be developing depression which Cats can suffer from if being attacked. My female cats runs at the first sight of him and I don’t blame her. He has cornered her in some bad situations but when she get the opportunity she immediately makes a break for the Cat flap. However she is not so lucky and recently has come up with some serious injuries from bites this cat as given her as she runs away. I literally just went to the aid of my female cat because she has just been chased through he cat flap by this Tom. She is very nervous and growls at anything she hears. She does not seem to have injuries but her back half is wet as if she may have been bitten, but we will not be so sure of these injuries just yet as she is so nervous.

Now I’ve seen many suggestions on what to do but it is impossible to get any closer than 15 metres to this cat. He mocks us. He will sit just out our door watching us through the window but as soon as we touch the door handle he’s gone. We’re really loosing ideas on what to do. Does anyone have any idea what we could do?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2018
I hope you can understand my worries for my cats welfare. I am very concerned for my female cats wellbeing as this cat will not stop hurting her no matter how many times she runs away - it’s as if it’s hunting her. He torments her and him somthing terrible.

Mu male cat; if he gets depression, he could starve himself or he could get into a fight with this cat and get hurt. We also do live near a busy road and we fear he or her may end up in the road when fighting or trying to get away from this Cat and could get run over.


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
Is this ginger tomcat owned by a neighbor? Or is he a feral neighborhood cat? If he is a stray/feral cat, can you either trap him and get him neutered, or contact a TNR group to do this?

If he is owned, maybe you can talk with the owners about it.

Other than those two options, can you keep your cats indoors until the situation resolves? Their safety might be more important than unattended outdoor time.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
Is there a local authority like an animal control officer you can call (dog catcher in many places)? You might need to get a trap and catch him and either relocate him or find a shelter that will take him in. But be aware that a cat this aggressive would most likely be put to sleep if taken somewhere like that.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
As much as they'll be upset about losing their freedom, keep them inside, seal the cat flap off, for now.
This cat does not put me in the mind of a true alpha cat. An alpha cat is confident and easy to get along with unless crossed in a point blank aggressive manner. An alpha male cat wouldn't hunt down and attack a terrified half-kitten female that wants to get away. A bully would, and that IMO is what this cat is.
If the owners are unavailable or won't talk, live trap and take him to a shelter. If you know of a shelter that adopts out to homes that have outdoor cats, this might be a slightly better option as this cat does not sound like he'd make anyone a good house pet.
I don't envy your there any way you can close off a small-ish section off the cat flap that's covered and cat proof (no cats getting out, no cats getting in) so your can at least be outdoors without the fear of being attacked?
I would worry about depression but also the spread of disease if this cat is biting hard enough. FIV is easily transmitted this way, and even a vaccinated cat is still IMO at risk for anything if allowed to roam/fight/etc..


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
By the way, cats do learn from watching others and a British study that tracked an entire neighborhood of cats found that many of them used the cat doors to get into other peoples houses. Your tom cat could figure out the door and follow them inside. Now that would be fun!
To lighten the mood here is a video called 'I don't own a cat"
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2018
This Tom we are not sure whether he is neutered or not and whether he is owned or not. He is very much a mystery. The bites he gives do give our cat every injuries but and scars and we do worry to diseases.

But thank you for your ideas they will all be considered.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2018
I’d like to thank everyone for their ideas on how to deal with this cat. But unfortunately he was run over on Tuesday, and sadly wasn’t saved. We were too late getting to him as we unaware of the incident, however we were informed eventually. After a bit of digging we did discover he was in fact feral, and seeing as he had no home we buried his body in our garden.


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I am so sorry to hear about the tom :(

Thank you for giving him a place in your garden.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Thank you so very much for taking the time to let us know.

RIP big guy, you certainly made yourself known in the neighborhood.

Can you pick up some calming products? Feliway is expensive (although I've seen some discount sales lately) but there is also Thunderease which has a diffuser, Composure treats and a lot of other types of products with different ingredients available that aren't as pricey.

Granted, now that the big fella is gone your cats may become calmer, but a diffuser or some treats would be helpful to make the transition to "oh, there's no orange-feline-bully just outside the door any more" easier because his scent will linger (not necessarily because you buried him there - not to worry about that, I don't think but I suppose if you wanted to you could spray his grave with a calming product).
But the thing of it is, his spray scent markers from when he was alive will hang around for a while and they won't realize that he's really not there to harm them, in the actual sense of gone.

Is your cat eating and gaining weight yet? Feed him treats, goat milk, some raw egg yolk, tuna now and then (egg white must always be cooked), green beans, sweet baby peas, pouch foods might be good since they have more gravy.

Kitten food can be a good thing to get a cat eating again, heating his food slightly, and also you could try taking about half of a small can of a pate style, stir in a tablespoon of hot water and give him that.

Have you made sure your cats' injuries aren't turning into infections? Be very very sure to watch for this, I would strongly suggest not waiting to get them in to a vet.

If you need this and it helps;
No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat's Life