Hey, I'm anya and these are my babes

anya king

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 29, 2016
So, I'm mostly here because I love my cats and its good to have places to ask questions. a few months ago my boyfriend got a cat. we've all been adjusting but none so poorly as my cat.a which, I currently think is just because of a lack of personal space, so without further ado, the pictures(which every good pet mom has)

This is Alwin(high german meaning elf's friend), he is my boyfriend's cat, the vets approximate he is about 3 years old. He was a shelter find. The shelter said a good Samaritan brought him in when he was hit by a card. he has minor facial scarring behind his whiskers, but the only other permanent scar, is that he is a few crayons short of the whole box. My favorite nickname for him is big dumb and orange. he is new to me and my cat. She, is unhappy about his existence. He is overly friendly, We suspect before he was hit that he was a stray, mostly because his insistance on eating crumbs off the floor like a dog, and because he doesn't seem to have behavior that indicates that he has ever lived in a house, the first month we had him, he tried to make off with a pack of bacon, and he spilled cider into our leftover halloween candy because he had gotten on the stove.

 This is henrietta(ruler of the hearth) She is my spoiled little princess. And I do mean littled, at a whopping 8 and a half pounds she is petite. She recently had to start sharing space with big dumb and orange, and I've been seeing a lot of behavioral issues that usually only crop up with single cat house holds, except that I have had her since she was very little and she lived with two older male cats that were HUGE. Alwin is 12 pounds which was a pound short of the smaller of the two cats. Bob, was 17 and ernie was 13(recently deceased) and I lived with a friend with a kitten in between.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Welcome to TCS!  
  Your cats are beautiful and look very sweet and happy.  Poor Alwin - I'm glad he has found a good home with people who appreciate all his good qualities.   He sounds pretty adorable, actually and I'm sure is not the first cat to make off with a package of bacon!  Princess is absolutely lovely and hopefully with time will condescend to allow Alwin to worship her as her due.  I'm sorry about Bob and Ernie - it's so hard on everyone when a cat passes on.  You've definitely come to a good place to get questions answered or just to talk about your kitties.  And we love photos, so post more, if you'd like!  


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Aww, sweet kitties.  
   I hope with time they'll learn to at least tolerate each other.  Welcome to TCS--this is a great place for advice, sharing photos and cat stories.  