Have You Ever Felt The Presence Or Gotten A Sign From A Deceased Cat?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 26, 2017
No judgment. I was reading animals and the afterlife which is filled of stories of people who have felt the presence (whether it's a phantom meow or a brush against the leg) or gotten a sign (neighborhood cat comes and acts just like their lost loved cat, then is back to normal the next day). Would love to hear your stories.

I haven't had something like this because I've never had a cat :( but I did contact a communicator for a cat that passed away unexpectedly at the shelter and I was very torn up over. The information conveyed to me wasn't smoking gun proof but it had lots of little anecdotal things (like how she loved to rub her head on either side of my cheeks) that made me feel like there's something to this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
No, I've never had that kind of sign, nor have I gotten anything like that from my deceased parents or friends. I sometimes dream that they're still alive and have to remind myself otherwise when I wake up, but that's either wish fulfillment or my subconscious had something to say to me that was easier that way.

If you believe in things like this I don't want to attack your beliefs; but I don't share them. And if I'm wrong and there is an afterlife then my lack of belief in it is an easy explanation for why I've never received this kind of contact. However, I should probably point out that the example of an anecdote given to you by the communicator is also easily explained, since that's the kind of thing that cats do when they love someone. It's almost as if the communicator had said about someone's dead dog that the dog wagged its tail when it was happy. It would be more impressive if the communicator knew something that's genuinely unusual about this cat, a mannerism that isn't common to all cats, the color of the cat, length of its fur, something like that. Even if there is an afterlife, I'm afraid I have a low opinion of people who say they can communicate with the dead and ask for money from those who are grieving in order to do so. It's just too easy to scam people this way, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Now, all that said, if there is any kind of afterlife then cats most definitely qualify for it.



Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I I_Wuv_Kitties I've never felt the presence of one of my rainbow kitties but there have been many reports in the Crossing the Bridge forum by people who have. Crossing the Bridge . I'm like Margret Margret , i.e. a skeptic but there are an awful lot of people who believe otherwise.

If you don't get that many answers here, you might think about asking the Mods to move this thread to Crossing the Bridge. Just flag your own post and ask them. It's appropriate - you don't need to be grieving over your own cat. I think it's rather lovely that a shelter cat has someone who remembers her with such love. :catrub:
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Blakeney Green

TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 3, 2017
Upstate NY
I don't know if it counts as a sign because it's not anything mystical or otherworldly, but my parents were at the animal shelter to adopt a cat, and they were struggling with the decision of which one. I was showing them a black cat, and she decided to put her arms around my neck the way Bentley used to when he was alive. That reminder of him helped them realize that she was the cat for them, and they've been very happy with her.

The other thing was not related to a death, but was actually pre-kitten. My roommate and I both kept thinking we saw a small dark shape out of the corner of our eyes, running playfully around the house. It happened a lot for a couple of months after I moved in. Then I got Zephyr, and we never saw it again. I don't know how to explain it rationally, but it was almost like an anticipation of him.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
A pet? No. My late DH? Yes. I saw him twice and felt his presence a few times. I think that people who believe that the soul outlives the body are more open to experiencing things like this. I also had a lovely encounter with an angel in my house. I believe it was my DD's guardian angel. I told DH about it back then and he was like, "yeah- right". I bet he believes me now. :angel: Most people probably do not/would not believe me but I was there and they were not. I think it's one of those "until it happens to you" things. :think:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 20, 2014
Not sure if it is one of mine, or otherwise, but at my dad's I constantly think I see a cat out of the corner of my eye. He doesn't have cats so I don't know if it's just me being used to seeing mine or that a ghost cat lives in his house.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 14, 2016
Shady was my soulmate kitty. I lost him to cancer when he was only 14. Several times the following year I would feel him jump up into the bed with me. I could feel his footsteps walking on the bed. I know I wasn't dreaming and I know it wasn't our other cat because he would already be snuggled against my chest. My partner felt his footsteps too.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Hydrox, The Old Coot is still around. Our little black boy, he died many years ago, at the age of 20, from breast cancer. I see him sometimes, out of the corner of my eye. I'll be in the bathroom, drying my hair, and see him padding back the hallway to the bedroom. Or I'll be lying in bed, propped up on my hand and he'll walk in the bedroom door, go around the foot of the bed and disappear. I know it's Hydrox. I've also felt him hop into bed and bump my butt as he lies down. One night, he jumped into bed, came up to me and curled up at my stomach, just like he did every night for years. But when I reached down, nobody was there.

For many months, I'd tell Rick that I was seeing The Old Coot. He didn't believe me, of course. And then one day, Rick said, "I saw him. Hydrox. I saw him walking back the hallway when I was in the bathroom. It was him." So it's not just me. The Old Coot is still here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
Yes I have! Our little Cindy went through a lot with cancer. We did our best and she lived for almost 2 years after the initial diagnosis. One of things it got to be harder for her to eat out of a bowl, so we put the kibble on a mat in our bedroom. The way I knew she was in the bedroom was to hear her eating the kibble off the mat. A distinctive sound. She had some very good days, but never really thrived after the chemo, couldn't gain any weight. Then she just went downhill very fast one Friday night. We had pain medicine for her, and just allowed her to pass naturally on the blanket she loved. Not that night, but the night after, we were in bed and I heard the sound she made eating the kibble off the mat. I was like who is in here?! Looked quickly, and it wasn't our other cat, Swanie, nobody was on the mat. I just knew that was her. My husband hadn't heard it. The next night I was downstairs with Swanie and husband called down to ask if Swanie was with me. Turns out he heard it too! We are both convinced it was her telling us she was okay.

Darcy, I'm not sure about, but maybe. Darcy was about 6 months old when we adopted her and we had her maybe a month when she got sick. Turned out to be FIP and no cure for that. Darcy passed in the vets office, we had no choice with her. Exactly one month from her passing I had a dream that she was up ahead and running away from me. I was very scared she was going to get hurt so I was running after her. I finally caught up to her and she was in a large room in the back, in a little bed, and a little white kitten was with her. When I saw that I felt very at peace and knew she was safe.

We also had signs from my mother after she passed. Again, it was not the same night, but the following night. Me, my sister, my father, and my aunt all had different signs at different times.

Oh yes, I do believe in signs.