Giving up my kittens

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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 16, 2005
Hm, I see.
What are the cons of having two cats and the pro's? I need like good examples, and the pros should outweigh the cons :p


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 31, 2005
Miami, Florida
Two cats will play with each other, where as one cat will be bored and will start playing with other things, like your belongings. Some cats get too curious and break things. My Montgomery, who is one year-old and has company sometimes get possesed and breaks stuff. Before we got Maximo, Montgomery used to play a little rough, biting and jumping out of nowhere to scare the living heck out of me! I would laugh afterwards!

Two cats will not make a big difference, in terms of expenditures in food and litter. When I got Maximo, they had separate litter boxes, but eventually, they started using the same box, leaving box #2 clean and untouched. So I only have one litter box for both - more cleaning though, but it's worth it! Also, at the beginning of Montgomery and Maximo's bonding, they used to eat different brands of food. I started blending both of them and fed them in separate bowls. Now they eat the same brand of food and even though they have separate bowls, the share both bowls. All these happened with cats that didn't know each other. In your case, things might be different casue these two are brotheres, right? So it'll be easy to share between them. Good luck, sweetheart! Send me a private if you need anything else!
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 16, 2005
Ooh I see.
Ok, thats good.
One more thing, about how often do you take your cats to the vet and how much do you spend?


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 31, 2005
Miami, Florida
Well, my first cat Montgomery (1 yr-old), was taken to the Humane Society when he was 4 weeks old. And on the first visit the vet explained to me what to expect and all the things that needed to be performed on the cat, like for instance, Feline Aids and Feline leukemis tests ($30 each test). Also he got shots for distemper and for worms. Worms treatment are oral. Those are $8 and $10. These prices are from the Greater Miami Humane Society - I don't know the prices in NY. But maybe they have a website and you can check it out. Last December, Montgomery was neutered and it costed me $30; and also he got his rabbies shot for $8. Spaying, which is the same procedure for females is $35. I guess the surgery is more invasive.

With Maximo, it was a whole different story. Maximo belonged to a friend of mine, who was always traveling for business. he was so busy that never took Maximo to the vet or to the HS. I always asked him to leave Maximo at my place for the week and I will take care of everything, but he never did. Eventually he realized that Maximo was 5 months old and didn't have a single shot, so he aclled me and asked me if I could take him in. And I did. Immediately, we took him to HS for all the tests. He was fine - thank God and he got neutered and got his rabbies shot. This was back in May.

With Matilde, I am expecting to go through the same drill, as Montgomery, as she so young (3 weeks-old). But she has a vet appointment tomorrow night, as I think she has worms and needs a dose of Strongid. In two weeks, I will atke Matilde to the HS to start the shots and all the tests.

I hope this information is helpful! Research for a website of a HS in your area! Good luck, young friend! BTW, what are the names of your kitties?
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 16, 2005
No names yet.
Before any laws get passed in the household mom has to approve them first.
My friend came up with Chaos and Mischief, but my mom doesn't like it and Im thinking of changing it to Isis and Osiris if its a boy and girl or Lenin and Pushkin (or something to that extent) if both are boys.