Funny Story About Our Local Semi-ferals

Dave Brownlee

TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2019
I know I shouldn't feed the local semi-ferals but I live in a complex around a small lake and I figure "what's the harm" - I've never seen a rat or even a mouse around here ;)

I just buy them the pretty cheap stuff (Pet Pride - Indoor Formula) from Krogers and I give them a couple "cups" or so most nights when I get home from work (they seem to know the sound of my car engine).

I sprinkle the bites out on the concrete away from any possible traffic - for their safety and to keep them from fighting over a bowl. I also figure that it keeps the 5 "regulars" from having to go across to the trash bin and possibly get run over.

Funny thing is - they eat the red ones first - then the tan ones - then the brown ones last. But they always eat them all. I suppose the red ones taste better. :D
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Dave Brownlee

TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2019
To be totally honest - there was a "cat group" over at this place a while back and they caught one cat and had it spayed and did the "ear-clip" thing and I old them that there was a bunch more and I would help them. But they got their one and lost interest and went somewhere else for their next project. So I figured ??


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I think you're terrific!
You've probably thought of this already, but if there's any other tnr group that might help, maybe you could give them a shout :) alley cat allies is a resource for info, the humane society, Best Friends, et al
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Dave Brownlee

TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2019
Thank you - I think you are terrific too. I don't mean to be too negative about the local "cat savior" group - but they came in and seemed "Hollier than though attitude" and said a bunch of stuff - kind of putting me down to be honest - and then they just left.

So my opinion changed to - guess what - I'll feed the cats and they can drink out of the lake and they'll be fine - which they are ;)


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Well, D Dave Brownlee ...... yup, you're officially a kind-hearted cat caretaker!!!! It sounds like they picked the perfect, caring person!!!!! :p

The kitties absolutely positively know the sound of your car over other cars (in our local colony - 4 feral TNRs settled to be with us (heated shelters in the garage - and the minute we enter the neighborhood, even if we ENTER the neighbohoor several blocks from our home, they hear us, and they come loping at top kitty speed to see if it is indeed us and if - - hope against hope - - we've got food and /or treats for them!). And we never disappoint them! (I should have "SUCKER" permanently tattooed over my head))

SO yup - - lucky you - - - (and I truly mean that) - - - you've been chosen!!!!!:hyper:
Definitely, as Furballsmom Furballsmom noted, now's a good time to see who else might be available to help you. Trying to do anything like this "all on your own" can be mentally taxing, so finding help, be it from neighbors, or more organized groups like low-cost spay/neuter clinics, humane shelters, pet food banks, and low cost vets. You DON'T usually have to shoulder it all (our local Spay/Neuter clinic offers FREE spays and neuters and DEEPLY discounted food for people in certan zip codes that are getting overrun. So check online, talk to shelters, and ask friends you trust, -- there may be alot of places around you that you don't know about who really want you to succeed!

Last bit of advice - - - at first, kind of check around on the "down low" as it's best in alot of neighborhoods not to "advertise that you're feeding/caring for the kitties right now"). Unfortunately, some people don't understand and are very misinformed cats and TNR, believing that (quite incorrectly!) caring for feral/semi-fral/stray kitties means you want more and more and more and more cats in the neighbohood. But there are groups out there who can help you inform people who don't understand - - and definitely use them - - AND this wonderful group here :grouphug: - - - where someone's always wiling to lend shoulder, is wonderful.

But take a minute and look thought these couple of groups who were founded SPECIFICALLY to help people in your position:

Alley Cat Alleys has alot of resources, materials, and help to offer:

Alley Cat Resources

and even if you're far, far from New York City, they have WONDERFUL things to offer, and lots of pages to answer questions!!!

About the NYC Feral Cat Initiative

Poke around both sites - - -they - - - like this wonderful site here - have lots to offer (to help keep you sane!!!)!.

Keep us posted....


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I was thinking about how your kitties picked their way through the colors of their food....cats are so much like people. As I sat writing to you earlier, I had a bag of Jelly Belly Krispy Kreme donut flavors next to me (I'm on a diet - - so it was a small bag :lol: ---don't judge). The bag labeled the flavors and colors, and I REALLY loved the "original Glazed" ones...and picked them to individually, like your kitties did.

UNTIL they all spilled into the bottom of my purse and I ate them w/o seeing the color. They all tasted the exact same then - - -like yummy, going straight-to-my-hips sugar bombs.

With just a hint of bottom-of-the-purse lint and a half-opened packet of Stevia.

See - - we're not genetically too far from the felines we love!!
