Found Kitten, Loki ~10 Wks, Nose Bites


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 22, 2017
Hello everyone. I was googling a kitten question and found this site. I read old threads (2005-2015) pertaining to our issue but it was about older cats so I want to see if anyone has thoughts on a little one.

Loki was found by a homeless man walking the highway. He was alone and about 8wks. I saw the man w/ Loki at my local dollar store and offered to take the kitten and find it a home. Well. Now Loki is mine, lol.

Loki didn't want anything to do w/ the faux milk we bought (in bottle or bowl) but took to wet food w/ enthusiasm. I'm now trying to mix in dry food. To be honest, we are a cat family and have plenty of experience w/ all ages. We actually have 3 other cats, all female, 6yrs, >1yr & <1yr. The youngest has taken to playing w/ him and bathing him and just generally being a good sister, the other youngster is a bit iffy, sometimes will play other times will growl. The oldest has been avoiding him and very standoffish but I caught her playing w/ him yesterday. It's going better than I expected.

Anyway, he sleeps in my bedroom at night. I have a bed for him, it's white and fluffy and he often does the kneading and sucking at it but the last couple days he's been getting in my face when I'm trying to go to sleep. He will curl up by my neck for a bit then meow and bite my nose. Well, try to, bc I always pull back. I'm afraid to let him bc I had to stop playing w/ him by hand bc he bites very hard. But it's repeated and kind of exasperating when I'm trying to go to sleep.

Is this because he's so young? He's gotten better about how hard he bites since the others started playing w/ him but I'm afraid he will do it while I am asleep and perhaps do some damage.

Any advice or even just thoughts on the issue would be appreciated. Thanks!


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
It sounds like he is just being a baby kitty and exploring his boundaries. Continue to pull back or move him away when he does bite. Having older cats around will help him with proper manners but he still needs to learn that humans are not for biting.

Is that him in your profile photo? If so, I believe he is a little pointed kitty and they tend to be a little more mischievous, energetic and curious than other cats. At least in my experience they are; I have two. They tend to push boundaries a little more and take a little more work to get behavior where you want it. But it is totally worth it when those big blue eyes look at you.

If you haven't already, please introduce yourself on New Cats on the Block. We love getting to know new members and feel free to do photo overload of your furry family members.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 22, 2017
Yes, that is Loki in my pic! And lol, I guess the name choice was a good one. I will head over there, thanks for pointing it out. We usually adopt from shelters so I guess we've just not had one this young bc the nose bite thing is new to me. Thanks so much for the reply!