Found a stray (I think) that is hiding under a car


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
I was walking home from a nearby grocery store with two bags of groceries. I live in the city of Milwaukee, in a heavily populated area, but the walk to this store passes through a residential area that does not have a ton of regular traffic, like the main city streets do.

On my walk back, there was a cat standing on the sidewalk outside of a particular house. It let me get fairly close to it, and then hid under a car parked on the street.

I was carrying two bags of groceries, and was a 5-minute walk from my apartment building, so I dropped off my groceries and went back. There was a woman standing around a different car (like 3-4 spaces away from the original car) who told me she saw a cat hide under it. I told her I saw the same cat and was coming back to see if I could do anything.

She was trying to lure it out with wet food and treats (she was clearly a cat person), while I rang the doorbell of the house the cat was originally lingering outside of. Nobody answered. I tried doorbells of a few other adjacent houses, and nobody who answered was a cat owner.

I went home but I am feeling terrible for this cat. It's about 40 degrees F here today, which isn't too bad, but it has been lightly raining all day. The cat was wet and shivering.

I called MADACC (Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission) which is open today, but they only accept drop-offs. My hope is that this is actually a stray that is chipped. But they can only take this cat if I were to get it out from under the car and into a carrier, and bring it to them.

I currently have a cat with cancer and there is absolutely no way I would bring a strange cat into my home. I also absolutely won't allow myself to get bitten or scratched by an unknown cat. But I feel really bad about leaving this cat there.

Is there anything I could possibly do? I've never dealt with finding a domestic animal before, other than lost cats in my apartment building, but those were easy... I always knew they belonged to someone in my building, and they were always warm and safe being inside the building hallways.

I am going to go back one more time this evening and just try the doorbell of the house one more time, and see if I can see the cat still lingering. But is there anything else I can possibly do, while minding my own safety?

Edit: I am also worried about this cat hiding under a car when the car's owner comes back and drives it away. I am going to bring a few notes saying "A cat was seen hiding under your car; please check before driving off" and leave them on the windshields of the cars parked there. Between that, and ringing doorbells, that may be the best I can do.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
What happened with the other person who was trying to lure the cat out?
She told me that she lives in the area, and she also contacted MADACC, but there was no way she could get the cat out from under the car so she was leaving food out. I didn't ask her what she planned to do, and I was in a rush to get back home for a call I had scheduled, but given that she was a cat person and lived in the area, I thought she would probably keep trying.

I probably should have asked her for some kind of contact info but some people might be uncomfortable giving out info to a stranger. So I basically left knowing she was still trying, but when I talked to her she already seemed like she was out of ideas and didn't know what else to do.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
If s/he is still in the area it could be really hungry. If canned cat food isn't working, try mackerel or sardines, or if you can get it Kentucky fried chicken.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
If s/he is still in the area it could be really hungry. If canned cat food isn't working, take a long and try mackerel or sardines, or if you can get it Kentucky fried chicken.
I have a ton of canned wet food on-hand because my cat Willy is a dry-food addict, and now that he has cancer, when calories count, I am feeding him only the foods he is most willing to eat. Which is all dry.

So when I go back this afternoon I will bring a can and a paper plate. If I manage to spot the cat still there, I will leave a whole can of food out. Then ring the doorbell again, leave notes on the cars (if the cat is still hiding under one of them), and try to take solace in knowing I did the best I could.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
It will be too late in the day to get it in the carrier and over to the rescue?

You might call the rescue before you go and ask if the cat was brought in already.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 13, 2021
You could try to trap it with some really stinky food. A friend who does TNR told me cheap sardines work the best. If the people living in that area don't think it's a neighbor's cat, that might be the best way to capture it.

I would ask a local resident if they mind your leaving the trap set out by their curb. If they seem friendly, maybe they'd be willing to call or text when the trap is tripped. Cover it with a towel or blanket, topped with a piece of plastic (all clipped to the trap so it doesn't blow off).

Maybe MADACC will loan you a trap. (Surely their animal control people have some.) If not, look up some animal rescue organizations. They may be willing to help.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
Thanks for the suggestions. I did go back over there around 4pm, when it was already starting to get dark here, and I could not see the cat anywhere. I looked under every car on the whole street with a flashlight, despite being nervous about looking like a car thief (there is actually a huge problem of car theft in Milwaukee).

I also rang a couple of doorbells again and didn't get any answers. Only one person came to the door and knew nothing about whether their neighbors had a cat or not.

Unfortunately, trapping and delivering a cat would not be easy for me, as I live in the city and don't own a car. But calling MADACC and asking about a cat being brought in is a good idea. I will be walking by that area again tomorrow morning and will see if I spot the cat anywhere, and will try the house again.

I can't do much about this in my current situation, but I still have a hard time with seeing a lost cat shivering outside and just leaving it there. I know this kind of thing happens all the time, everywhere, but it's my first experience with a stray in the last 8 years I was living here.

(I've seen a couple of other cats that definitely looked like they knew what they were doing... like seasoned ferals living outside. This cat I saw today did not look like that at all.)
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 21, 2019
Milwaukee, WI
I went back this morning and did a fair amount of hunting around the area. No sign of the cat.

I once again got no answer at the door of the house it was originally sitting outside of. But I left a note on the door saying a cat has been lingering outside. I left an email address on it in case they are the cat's owner and want more information from me.

I am choosing to believe in the story that either the owners came home and found their cat, or the woman I mentioned yesterday came back and successfully captured it. Or, somebody else found it (there's quite a bit of foot traffic through that neighborhood).

I do walk past there like 3-4 times a week so I will keep an eye out as I do.