Eosinophilic Granuloma (rodent Ulcer)? Need Help.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 7, 2018
Hi all,

I am hoping that someone might have some suggestions or be able to share their experience with me.

We adopted a cat in July from the shelter. She had just had most of her teeth removed due to an infection (they found her wandering around the woods several weeks before). Her mouth looked pretty rough--inside and out. They put her on two courses of antibiotics and her gums/mouth were okay again.

However--what we thought was associated with her tooth infection had not cleared up. She has a bald patch under her lip/on her chin. She gets small sores that bleed and turn brown. She sometimes gets little brown spots on her nose. Since we got her, she has had good and bad days. Sometimes, we would wake up and her little bald patch/lips would look great, other days not so much. It didn't seem to correlate with any changes.

Two weeks ago, she was itching her ears and her mouth so much that we took her back to the vet (thinking it was mites). They agreed that her chin looked very inflamed, so, I took her in for an xray to make sure it was not residual inflammation from her tooth infection. It was not.

They instead told us that it was "eosinophilic granuloma," which is an autoimmune problems associated with allergies (and to my understanding, it manifests as ulcers on the cats mouth, itching, etc.). She was put on prednisol for 2 weeks. After a few days of taking two pills per day, her mouth looked better than we have ever seen it. Then, when she was weaned down to one pill, she started itching (aggressively) at her mouth again; and a sore popped up. I should not that she doesn't have an actual mass growing on her chin...the skin is just raw and pretty inflamed.

I took her back again and the vet has given me a four week course of "atopica"--which is meant to have fewer long term side effects than the prednisol. After two doses of this, her mouth looks just about the same as before we put her on the steroids (not great), and she is itching one of her eyes to the point that the skin around it has become inflamed. She has been put on a hypoallergenic diet (wet and dry food), and is now eating *significantly* less--it seems like this might be due to the atopica, which I have read might be a side effect.

I am not sure what to do at this point as nothing seems to be helping to clear it up. I don't know if I should suggest to the vet that she goes back to the two prednisol's per day, or if I should try this atopica for a week (it has only been two days). Additionally, she really hates this new (very expensive) food. The vet seemed to think that it is more likely that it is an environmental allergy than a food one (her stomach is okay), but she said it wouldn't hurt to try this.

Does anyone have any experience with this immune problem? Could this be something else that the vet is not seeing?

Thank you for your help.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I don't have any personal experience with this, but did find a couple threads you might find interesting:

Eosinophilic Granuloma

Question For Those Who Have Used Atopica

I DO want to ask about his food and water dishes, just in case. Are you using plastic dishes? If so, you might want to think about switching over to anything else...stainless steel or ceramic, or whatever, and most importantly, wash them all with hot, soapy water after every single meal. I run mine through the dishwasher every time a run a load, just for extra sanitizing.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 7, 2018
I don't have any personal experience with this, but did find a couple threads you might find interesting:

Eosinophilic Granuloma

Question For Those Who Have Used Atopica

I DO want to ask about his food and water dishes, just in case. Are you using plastic dishes? If so, you might want to think about switching over to anything else...stainless steel or ceramic, or whatever, and most importantly, wash them all with hot, soapy water after every single meal. I run mine through the dishwasher every time a run a load, just for extra sanitizing.
Thanks for your response. I will check out the links you posted in a bit.

I have only been using glass dishes for her food. I was also using a damp paper towel to clean her mouth after she eats, just so no excess food is left on the skin, as she is a bit of a sloppy eater due to her lack of teeth.
Thanks for your response and suggestion!