Distemper Or Rabies?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 27, 2018
Bear with me, please. This is long, and I am anxious/panicking a little.

A friend who's moving found kittens living on her property, but the mother was deceased. They tried to raise the kittens and lost two and asked me to take care of the other two kittens for them. I took them in, having no idea what I was getting myself into but being an animal lover. They were about 3-4 weeks old but weighed 7.3 and 6.5 lbs. I took them to a vet who said they'd be fine and told me how to get their weights up.

One kitten had an eye infection. Both kittens fell over very, very easily and would fall while trying to walk. They were both very weak, and they didn't do much walking or exploring. They meowed when hungry but wouldn't take food from a dish or my finger and had to be syringe fed. So, obviously, this was a lot of work. My whole family got involved, as we have 5 very young kids who also need a ton of attention.

3 days after the kittens joined our family (today), the larger, healthier kitten took a sudden turn and became extremely lethargic. I could sit her up, but she would lay herself back down. We rushed both to a different vet where we were told that they're extremely sick and have neurological issues, possibly a virus, were half the weight they should be, and that since they were so sick and in so much pain, euthanasia was the kindest option.

I assumed it was something like distemper, as we had two distemper survivors decades ago, and one fell over frequently. I was devastated, of course I didn't think much into it. We didn't do any tests or anything, just listened to the vet and followed through, not wanting them to suffer. When my wife told my sister in law (a former vet tech), she said it could be rabies. Is that true?! I'm already so upset to lose these kittens, but my five kids were all over them, feeding them, holding them, handling their food, etc. My baby even stuck the syringe in her mouth once while I was cleaning the kittens after a feeding. Ugh. I just couldn't get to her in time to stop her. What do you think the next step should be? I don't want to run out and start getting my whole family vaccinated if that's unnecessary!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 27, 2018
Editing to add more info: the kittens had low temps at the vets, never any fevers. Diarrhea and dehydration. No vomiting. Refused to eat on their own. Got dewormed on Tuesday. Wednesday, one had a mucousy discharge with red blood streaked through coming from his anus. This went away that night. I figured it was the effects from the dewormer, since the side effects were similar. They were never active. They were offered a heating pad on one side of their box, which they preferred to use and always felt very warm.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Rabies in cats is pretty rare in the US, but it's still a possibility. The vet should have thought of that :/. How long ago were they PTS? Is it still possible to get their bodies in for testing?

It's a very very very small risk, but there was a a local incident in which a litter of farm puppies were adopted out all over the county, and it turned out most of them had rabies. So the chances are higher than zero, and I wouldn't want anything to happen.

If it's not possible to recover the bodies, ask your pediatrician what would be the best course of action.


Staff Member
Jul 31, 2008
Even if the kittens did have rabies, it's very unlikely that they passed it on to one of your family unless they bit the person hard enough to break the skin. It's also possible, but rare, for rabies to be transmitted by the saliva getting into an open cut or wound on the person.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 27, 2018
Thanks for your opinions!

Yeah, I did ask the vet practice and our local vet hospital as well. The hospital said that any feral cats who need to be euthanized are supposed to be tested. Our vet said, if the vet was concerned, they would have said so. The vet we saw wasn't our usual vet, and I didn't like the guy very much, so I guess that's why I didn't trust him so much. But apparently there's never been a known kitten in the US state I live in with rabies, and it was probably distemper. Actually, there aren't yet any known cases of rabies here in 2018 at all. I agree that it was probably distemper, but I don't like to take chances. They are testing them and will tell me what was up with them. I'll post back in case anyone ever has a similar issue. I still would not hesitate to try and help animals in the future.