Day 3 of new kittens and they keep hiding in unsafe areas


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 3, 2020
Just adopted 2 kittens maybe 2 months old.

They let me occasionally pet them and play with them, but this evening when I checked in on them they were hiding under the couch and we got them out... then after playing with them for an hour or so despite the blockades trying to not give them any unsafe hiding spaces, they managed to sneak in an area where its impossible to get them out (unless they come out themselves).

Am I doing something wrong? What should I do? I feel awful but its so weird how they are fine being pet and played with but then just shrivel up and act like scaredy cats on a moment's notice
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 3, 2020
By *unsafe I mean under a couch we have but one thats impossible to get them out from under (unless they come out themselves)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
It is usually recommended to start them in a "safe room" where there is somewhere they can hide that is appropriate, like under a bed. Once you let them out, they still recognize that as their safe space and head there if they get scared. That said, under a couch should be totally fine, unless its one of those ones with a mechanism inside and you are worried you'll forget. You don't need to take/force them out. Let them come out when they are comfortable. You can try to lure with treats and play but there is no rush. The real benefit of a safe room is so they dont hide under a stove or find a hole in a wall. It helps them adjust faster as well.

At this point, might be easier on them to just let them stay where they are at though, assuming the couch isn't actually dangerous. If the couch is somewhere noisy that isn't helpful, so try not to watch something with explosions in surround sound or vaccum there.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
They are new and are very unsure of what is happening. If the couch has a reclining feature, put a BIG piece of paper across the seat that states not to recline in it. There have been many kittens killed in those mechanisms. Make sure they have food, water, and a litter box nearby, and leave them be. If you force them out and grab them where they feel safe it will take a LOT longer to get them to feel comfortable. Just call them, talk to them and leave some treats when you leave. Try not to vacuum, like said above near them for a while, they will most likely explore at night when it is quiet, so make sure there are no holes, etc. where they can go, and that they can't get behind the fridge or washer/dryer. Since there are two of them, it shouldn't take as long to get used to all the strange things going on. But it still could take a week or two, it depends how socialized they were at their birthplace.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 3, 2020
update: on day 4 they were much better. much more relieved but they still like to sleep in a very secluded area. hopefully that changes soon


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
update: on day 4 they were much better. much more relieved but they still like to sleep in a very secluded area. hopefully that changes soon
I've had well adjusted kittens make a hole so they could literally crawl into the boxspring to sleep (and play). Sleeping under a bed or a couch isn't *just* a new/poorly adjusted thing, some cats just like it. So don't worry too much.

Mr. Meow

Special needs cat expert.
Super Cat
Dec 25, 2020
There's always the option to build your own dark, secluded place for them, one that IS safe and accessable to them. When one of my girls was a kitten, I had the same issue. It was amazing to see a low to the ground coffee table (in a low traffic part of the house) with a light-blocking blanket draped over it, and beds and blankets stuffed under it turned into a warm, comfy, safe hiding place.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 3, 2020
update: Day 6. Great day until the end of the night where I had the TV on with a volume at 4, and one of the cats freaked out (also I think they were tired) and ran back under the couch. The other Cat soon followed but that cat didn't have any issues with anything.

The cat has also been occasionally pooping and peeing int he wrong areas and not the kitty litter, but was better with that today.

Katy Perkins

TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 14, 2021
That is very common for kittens or even an adult cat brought into a new home. One thing you do NOT do is turn a new cat loose to have free run of the home! You need to set up a “safe room,” like a spare bedroom, to allow your new kitties to become adjusted to all the new things - a new home, new people, new smells (cats are VERY much scent driven). Of course, your safe room needs a litter box, water, toys, and food. I strongly suggest you get at least one cat tree; cats like to be in high places; they feel safer when they can “escape” to a high refuge. One other thing, do not try to force the kittens out of hiding. I would spend some time in the room with the kitty and talk to it, let it get used to you, your voice, and your scent. (esacarecom)- cats-mental-health-author-Rayne-hall-sharing-her-life-story/


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 13, 2018
Please put the kittens in a kitten proof area when not supervised ... kittens are notorious to get themselves into trouble ... they will climb up the curtains and sit on the curtain rod - and yes ... they can get hurt if they fall from greater heights, they can wedged behind a shelf, they will tip things over and get trapped inside furniture- they fit in teeny tiny spaces ... I usually dedicate a bathroom as a safe room - or a catio I build my cats ( it is 5x6 ft ) out of wire cube shelving until the babies are bigger ...Kittens do not get left free in the house overnight - usually a mom cat is pretty good about calling her babies back when they are getting into serious trouble but without mom ... there is no telling what they'll get themselves into lol ... if you keep getting them out from under things they will also end up terrified and potentially scared of you ... I spend the first week of new kittens on the bathroom floor reading ... and I introduce tasty treats so I can call them in emergencies ... I have a treat drawer and I only have to open it and everyone comes running ...