Claws in or out?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
When your cats play together, do they keep their claws retracted? Speck does...but I noticed Daisy got him today with a mean left hook. She actually got her claw stuck in his ear!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
It depends. Sometimes, if they've been tearing around for a while they get careless. Jennie especially likes to do the drive-by snag-and-take-a-tuft off of Mazy or Tolly's back.

My favorite is when Tolly teases Jennie into boxing his ears. I do see a tuft fly up from time to time when she does.

But mostly they are careful with one another and with me. Even if they do put a bit of claw out, they won't dig in.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 14, 2005
My cats are pretty good about keeping the claws in when playing with each other or with MommyCat and I. They will sometimes slowly extend their claws when trying to grip our arm. It seems the only other time they bring out the claws is during a serious argument among themselves, and that never get any worse than a scratched nose and some extra fur for us to vacuum.


TCS Member
Oct 9, 2003
W/ the best cats
Well, mine are also good about claws during play. It's only when they get more excited than usual that they lose control.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Callie is declawed on the front (she came to me that way) so that's not an issue with her. She hits really hard though!
Hannah's always been very good about playing without her claws out. If she's reaching for something though, the claws come out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
I've always wondered about this too, so, good question!

I think, for my crew, it depends on the cat and the situation...

Emory is very good about not using her claws. She never claws me. And, while she lays it all out there, claws and all, when it comes to playing with Da Bird or other similar toys, she rarely uses her claws with the other cats. In fact, the only time I've seen her take a swipe at one of the others with her claws out was when Finnegan was relentless one day with play. I think he tired her out and she grew agitated. But, even then, it didn't seem to bother him as he came full tilt back at her.

Cassidy also very rarely uses her claws. She will occasionally smack Finn or Delaney, but that's about it. There is never any fur flying where Cass is concerned. And, she, too, will never have her claws out when I am handling her. She can be a little mouthy at times, but even that is hardly anything for me to be concerned with.

Delaney is one who will use her claws. She doesn't with me, but she plays with them out more often than not. But, that may be because she is usually swiping one of the other cats so that she can get her way. And, when she does so to Cassidy, well, she gets smacked right back! Laney tries to be the alpha kitty, but she's number 3 of 4 in the kitty hierarchy. Hopefully, one day, she'll learn to accept that. But, until then, the other cats are wary of her. She has never injured them, but she can be snotty and they know it.

And, Finnegan always has his claws out. He doesn't mean to scratch me, but he occasionally will. It's not aggressive -- he just hasn't figured out how to play with his claws in. It doesn't matter if it is one of the other cats, a toy, or me...his claws are out and ready to go. It may have something to do with the fact that he was injured as a kitten and, therefore, wasn't socialized until even after I brought him home. He's coming up on 10 months old old, though, and still has that kitten energy, so that may be part of the issue as well. But, the other cats will put him in his place if he gets too rough. And, I'm working with him about using his claws (and his teeth!) on me while I am holding him. But, it's a process. As long as he isn't out to injure me or the other cats, it is something I can live with.

So, I guess, for my cats, the general feeling is that they don't use their claws on me. Finn occasionally will, but it's never to harm me. Cassidy and Finnegan can both be a bit mouthy, but, that too isn't too much of an issue as they respond well when I say "no." And, as for playing with one another, it just depends on the time, place, and if there is food or a toy involved. Toys are free game and all claws come out then, but it's just for show and play. I am lucky that my kitties are as good as they are -- I definitely don't know how I would stay sane if fur was flying all the time!

Again, good question. I'm interested in reading about other people's experiences.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 24, 2005
I've noticed a couple of scratches on Sneaky's head- so I don't think Holly's careful when they play. I think Sneaky makes sure her claws are in when she's "attacking" Holly though.

Holly's only 9 months old and still has a LOT of kitten in her



TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 8, 2010
O'Fallon, IL
I don't know if Attitude and Nuts use their claws with each other, they both have soft claws on but I don't think they ever have. They have scratched me in the past but not on purpose(except maybe when they figured out it was bath time

The outside ones don't mean to but given their claws are sharper than razors it doesn't take much for them to scratch me or puncture a claw through my jeans. I give exceptions like when Half-tail freaked at me putting her into the kennel; before her spay when she went ape-s*** crazy and bit and scratched the heck out of me. She was freaked out and scared so she definitely gets a pass on that, she was the least socialized of all of them which is weird since she was brought over at the same time(4 weeks) as everyone else. I'm wondering if she might have been one of Mama's kittens(who were around 6 weeks I could tell they were older) and wanted nothing to do with humans, they all went away rather quickly, except a torti(identical to Mama only with short hair) but even she didn't stick around long that long, she decided she'd prefer to go be a barn cat 1/4 mile up the street(she walked there herself.)

Like I said with the outside ones it's more the sharpness of their claws, which can't be trimmed because they need them very sharp for their outside life.

Goldie Jr always tries to climb my jeans and went him or Runt jump in my lap their back claws get me.

I don't think they use their claws on each other. I'm sure Jr did when he got into it with I think Sylvester. I just saw white and black run off, when I came to investigate why I heard cats fighting, and Jr go after him, then I saw Runt walk in that direction and he's the only Black and White male we have. All the girls were sprawled out relaxing on the porch so it was Biter who is the only other obviously black and white we have. He might not of though since when he came back I searched every inch of him to make sure he hadn't got hurt but he was fine. Not why the hell him and Sylvester were fighting, this is 3 males territory(Runt, Jr and Blue's) and they share it with no problem with each other and even let Sylvester come and eat and lounge around and don't bother him, plus we have no females that I know of in season. All the ones I know of have either been adopted out or spayed. Time to get my 3 boys done. I had to get the females first(females actually have kittens which then become MY problem, boys just make them which isn't my problem) and then Nuts done since outside boys spraying= don't care, inside boy spraying= very very bad, even though in 13 months no one I know of has ever sprayed, as I said I have 3 males happily sharing a territory and Nuts would love for them to come inside and play or to go outside and play with them, he is the most social cat I have ever met in my life), Blue has decided to adopt us again as his official feeders so I guess he's 'mine' again. Him and Mama worked out a truce so she's no longer hissing, growling and trying to swat him(Blue just stood there and looked at her like she was stupid when she did this, she was more afraid of him than he was of her.) Mama even let him come nose to nose with her this morning.

As far as I know none of mine use claws, I'm not even sure if Jr or Sylvester used their since Jr came back without a mark on him, of course who knows what Sylvester looked like he hasn't come to eat here in a while and I caught them fighting less than a week ago, if I could catch him he'd be the first one to be snipped but he's hopeless and is never around enough for me to catch him, I'd eat up with raccoons or my cats in the traps. My cats aren't any big deal but we have at least 2 HUGE (35- 40+ lbs easy) ones and I'd rather not get into a tussle with one of them. I also have a mother and kits and I'd be terrified if a baby got caught because then I have to take on Mama to free her baby.
