Cat Is Acting Out


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 16, 2017
My cat, Binx, is two years old. I’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old and lived in four separate places with him without any issues. He uses his litter box fine, and until now has never tried scratching at anything other than his cat tower/scratching post.

He seems to be acting out for our attention, or if he wants to be fed. He knocks things down, and when we get up to stop him, he chirps and runs away like we’re playing a game or runs immediately to his food bowl. He recently knocked down and broke a very expensive speaker. I stood up to scold him, and he ran to his food bowl expecting food. Yelling at him does not work, shooing him away does not work. We tried spraying him with a squirt bottle, but he seems to enjoy that and also treats it as a game. He usually starts by knocking small things down. If he’s ignored, he starts knocking bigger things down until we get angry enough. He jumps onto bookcases and places he knows he should not be, because he knows it’ll get a reaction out of us. It’s gotten bad enough now that I’ve started locking him in the bathroom when he acts out.

He has also started tearing up the carpet. He hasn’t done any significant damage yet, but I know he will if it continues. He seems to be doing that for our attention too. Yelling at him or walking toward him makes him run off for a bit, but a minute later he’s at it again. When he’s scolded, again, he chirps and runs off.

I’m getting really frustrated with him. We live in an apartment and we can’t afford to have him tear the carpet up. He’s incredibly stubborn and clearly too smart for his own good. How can I get him to stop?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 18, 2017
How much do you play with him? I am not so sure that he wants food as much as he wants attention. Cats need attention and daily play time. He might be simply bored and any attention from you -even negative- is better for him than none. What about buying a DaBrid or a cat Dancer and playing with hime 15 min morning and evenings?


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I'm not sure that these bad behaviours are driven by attention seeking for its own sake. Rather, it sounds to me like Binx is bored and lacking stimulation, so is making his own 'fun'. My boys are INCREDIBLY inventive when it comes to getting into trouble/being 'naughty', and there's always a massive difference in their behaviour when they don't get their playtime. They're very bright too - in my experience, the brighter the cat, the more trouble they get themselves into when that intelligence doesn't have appropriate outlets :rolleyes:
The Dos And Don'ts Of Cat Behavior Modification
5 Reasons To Never Spray Water On Your Cat

I think your best bet with Binx is to give him as much playtime as you can - ideally playing him to exhaustion once or twice a day. Look at other ways to occupy that clever brain of his too - puzzle feeders, window perches so he can birdwatch, videos for cats (there are tons of cat oriented nature videos on YouTube), clicker training, etc etc.
Beating Boredom - What Indoor Cat Owners Need To Know
How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)

I find cardboard scratchers invaluable for stopping cats clawing at the carpet/rugs, so that's definitely worth a try. Alternatively, there are a number of horizontal scratchers on the market (I love this one from Art Motion and Sound), so that's a more permanent option.
How To Stop Your Cat From Scratching The Furniture


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
LOL yep a bored cat is a destructive cat. OMG Dante drives me nuts when the little kids come over and he doesn't get his bird 'hunting' time in the back yard! (Mind you I play with him every day to!) When Dante was a kitten/teen he thought his name meant 'Hey you STOP!' I think some interactive toys, puzzle feeders & 2-4 play sessions a day should solve your problem. Be sure to rotate the toys/puzzles so your cat doesn't get bored.