Cat Introductions


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2018
i finished grad school a little over a year ago and adopted my first (personal) cat when a moved, a beautiful tabby kitten named murray who has been my best buddy since. i've had cats growing up, mostly females, and when we got new kittens in my family, they were always just...unceremoniously dumped in with the resident cats. i've read a lot of articles and watched a lot of video, so when i wanted to introduce a second kitten, i knew I wasn't going to do that, as my cats growing up were never truly violent with one another, but none of them were ever really friends, either (which i realize might not happen even with a good introduction, but i figured it would make things easier and more likely? possibly? anyway, i just wanted to be safe).

long story short, i have a year and 2 month-ish old neutered male (murray) and i recently adopted a 9 week old female kitten (rooney). i've had the kitten about a week now and have been doing the slow introduction process. when i first brought her home, she had her own "safe space" in the spare bedroom of my two-bedroom apartment complete with food, water, litter box, and a plethora of toys. for the first two days, i left that door closed, though murray, a playful, outgoing, and cuddly male was naturally curious and ended up sitting outside of the closed door for periods of time. i've also been feeding them their wet food twice daily on opposite sides of the door with no problems. i also had them site-swap for a bit of time over the last couple of days with no incident.

over the last week, i've installed stacked pet gates (at first i only had two of the small ones, but rooney is a climber and literally scaled them and escaped on me while i was feeding them). murray is still as affectionate as ever with me, climbing up on my lap while i'm in the living room and sleeping with me at night, though he has been sticking his paw between the wire/mesh and occasionally swats at rooney (she's doing the same, and no claws). there is occasional hissing, but he's actually stopped. most of the hissing comes from rooney, now, and only intermittently. most of the time they are both calm and exist on either side of the gates without trouble. i figured i'd try a supervised, controlled, and timed interaction. i don't know if this is "normal" or should be a red flag. murray chased the kitten almost immediately after she set foot out of her safe space and he was swatting at her. no blood or fur flying, so to speak, and rooney would flop over on her back in submission most of the time, though perhaps 1/4th of the time she would hiss, growl, and puff up a bit, though she never really reacted back at him physically. it didn't seem to bother her at all, and she spent about half an hour exploring the dining room, kitchen, and living room (i kept the bathroom/other bedroom doors closed to not overwhelm her).

there were periods where they would both play with separate stringed toys without incident, but eventually, murray would notice rooney and chase her again, sometimes behind the couch, to swat at her. again, never drew blood or even had his claws out, but it did seem to scare rooney enough to stay hidden until i could redirect murray with a toy. she would always come back out for more playtime, and i led her back to her room during one of the periods they were both laying down and playing with the same spinning mouse toy, trying to create good associations.

is this all pretty normal behavior on the part of my resident cat? even though we didn't introduce our family cats this way growing up, we really only had some hissing and running away on the resident cats' parts, never anything like the chasing/swatting. i guess it could just be murray telling her he's the "boss", especially because he never even really vocalizes while doing it, but i guess i'm just looking for advice or guidance on how to proceed. would short times of interaction daily still be okay from your guys' point of view?

here they are by the way:



Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
Aww, beautiful kitties! I do hope they are eventually friends. This does sound like a normal territorial behavior, he doesn't seem aggressive but he also doesn't want an invader in his space. And it's great that she is assertive enough to come back after a chase.

I'll share my only intro experience, and hopefully it doesn't scare you because I believe I am an outlier in that our integration was almost 7 months. We saw similar behavior (in fact probably more extreme) from our resident Gohan (7 yrs) and new cat Olive (3 yrs). Gohan would chase her back to her safe room as fast as he could and she would run. Then 2 seconds later she would come back with a "murph" and be ready to explore again. No claws, and the 2 or 3 times he caught her he just loomed over her, one paw in the air to assert dominance (sometimes a nice tap on the head). She would usually hiss or growl and he was most often silent. Early on there was 1 or 2 scratches but nothing major and probably unintentional.

After a few months, our 10yr old resident Trin and her would chase each other back and forth, and she would try and play with him. No hissing or growling unless Gohan was near. Eventually Gohan would choose not to chase 1 time out of 10. Then after a few more weeks, he would be only chasing half the time. Chases became less intense, where he wouldn't even follow her all the way down to her saferoom. Now they are fairly chill with each other in the same room, but they are both watchful and curious with each other. She stopped running from him as well, which helped him not want to chase her.

^ Gohan is the grey and white DSH, Olive is lying down and Trin is in the hallway. Gohan just looked at her for a minute, marked some of the room with his cheek and calmly walked away.

It sounds like you are doing everything right, playtime distraction is really good. Gohan was not a good player, and he didn't like treats so he was hard to distract. We eventually found a treat that he loved, and we would give it to him to distract from chasing. That would be my only suggestion if you hadn't tried that yet. Good luck, and take heart! It sounds like things are slow but they are going really well considering.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 9, 2016
NY State
What absolutely gorgeous cats! And congrats on graduating from grad school, I'm in the midst right now haha.

That all sounds very normal! Murray seems like he's being a great sport about having a new furball in the house, and the fact that the hissing from him has stopped is great. Chasing and no-claws swatting is all part of play behavior and displays of dominance as your cats work out their pecking order in the house. Kittens are notorious for being quick to bounce back, and Rooney's letting Murray know what her limits are and that she's going to let him be the boss. In my experience and also through going through the other posts here (I just introduced my 2.5 year old cat to a new kitten), there's really no way to circumvent this behavior. You can separate your cats every time Murray starts chasing Rooney, but finding each other's boundaries is a hurdle they're going to have to cross on the road to becoming buddies!

I would definitely integrate more play time! It's great to have a toy that they both enjoy, like a wand toy or something like that, so poor Rooney's not always getting bowled over every time Murray's in the room. Giving them both treats and creating those positive associations is also great. Since both of your cats are young and especially since one's a kitten, introductions should take much less time than if both of your cats were adults. Definitely familiarize yourself on the body language differences between cat playing and cat fighting (I'd say warning signs are stalking, arching, ears flattened, yowling, fur flying, drawing blood, Rooney hiding and not coming back out, etc — all things that don't seem at all like what you're experiencing), as cat playing can look pretty rough.

Otherwise it seems like it's going great! :) Murray sounds like a playful cat who's already on the path to accepting Rooney into the household. You'll probably see some tackling and biting of the nape or other body parts, and even if Rooney hisses or squeals that's just her telling Murray to not bite so hard and nothing to worry about unless you're seeing fur missing or blood.
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2018
thank you for your help! i went to the pet store today and got a couple of new kinds of treats and i think i have found one that Murr likes enough to leave rooney alone...most of the time. i also invested in another wand toy. I have a mouse one that makes noise, but when i has tried playing with both of them with one wand toy, murray was more interested in pouncing on rooney than the toy. so I just look like an idiot dual-wielding two separate toys in different directions, but that also seemed to help redirect them and lee things calmer.

the chases still happen when i have both cats out, but are already getting was frequent, and rooney always comes back out after a few moments for more play. she has even gotten a little bolder and played back with him by swatting at his paw when he tries to bop her on the head (no claws for either cat)

we did have one instance earlier today when rooney had to use the litter box. w heave multiple -in different rooms- but
were closest to the one murray had primarily used until the youngster came along. he followed her to the box, cornered her, and would not let her in. Rooney left but she obviously still had to go (she is so funny and mews at me whenever she has to go before bolting for a box). she assumed the position on the carpet and i was able to intervene and get her into a box before she did, but it was a close call!

the second time this happened i was able to distract murr with one of the wand toys while rooney did her you think her having used “his” box might help this situation or make things worse int hat regard? he has used the box since; she has not gone again...yet.

they also seem to be getting overall more comfortable with the achnother. as i type, rooney is asler in my lap and murray is asleep on the arm of the couch with just a cushion separating all of us! progress.

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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2018
just wanted to give you guys a quick update on my kids. i've been having them both out with me when i'm home and able to keep an eye on them. the chasing behavior still happens, but only occasionally, and rooney has started chasing him back now and then, which is kind of funny because murray weighs over 10 pounds and rooney probably weighs about 1. but they've been playing together more often and she eats out of his bowl and he doesn't seem to mind.

today i was doing some work on the computer and rooney was on the armchair sleeping, murray on the floor in front of the sliding glass door near the chair. and then, out of nowhere, he got up and jumped onto the chair while i waited for the telltale squealing/crying/hissing of them getting into it but...nothing. and then...




Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Awww.. that's lovely. :heartshape:

I love a good update. :yess:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 6, 2017
It's nice to meet you and your furkids. Rooney is such a pretty color. Sounds like your life is not dull. I'm sure things will work out. Cats adjust eventually.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 25, 2018
just a quick update on my kittens. they've progressed to being left on their own while i'm at work (the first couple of days, i had someone staying here to make sure nothing went awry, but other than the chasing and play-fighting, there's been nothing).

murray is definitely teaching her "how to cat". she's obsessed with his tail if he's flicking it and he's not shy about kind of wrapping her up in his front paws and tossing her down/nipping at her, but she always springs up after he's done (even if she's a drama queen and squeals so loudly i have to check and i find that he's already gone off to eat or something). no fur flying, no blood, all seems good except for that i have to feed murray his wet food up ON the counter or else rooney will find him eating, nose her way in, and he will just...let her lol

i got home from work today to this:

