Can A Cat Come Back After A Yearlong?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Jun 9, 2017
So in order to ask this question I will have to tell a little story I hate.

About a year ago I lost a cat named Mittens, it was my first cat ever. Never had a cat never thought I would ever have a cat. My husband and my son found Mittens on a cold windy day, she was abandoned in our backyard she was about 4 weeks old.

She lived inside for up to 6 months. Then we allowed her to be in indoor/outdoor cat. My husband would let her out in the morning when he went to work and she would be gone off and on through the day. But she would always come when I would call her.

That went on for about a year. Then around this time a year ago on a stormy day she did not return. I kept calling her, and she would not come. I just thought maybe she is sheltering from the rain, when it dies down she will come. We tried for so long to look for her with no luck. There are allot of strays that looked like her but none were her.

Then yesterday I came home from running some errands and outside the My Garage there was a cat looked so much like Mittens. I called her name softly to not scare her away, with no luck. She ran away. This morning I saw her again she was sitting in our deck. She was with another cat. I went out with some treats, I shook the bag like I used to do for Mittens in the past and called her name. She did not respond and ran away.

I know it’s a long shot but could this be her, or is it a lookalike?

Back then I didn’t know of all the dangers of an indoor outdoor cat. I didn’t even know we had cayote’s in our area. I have blamed myself for this long for her disappearance. It’s like losing one of your kids and not knowing what happened to them.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 1, 2018
Of course it could be her. Cats and dogs have come back after years of being gone.

My mom's cat Jack was indoor/outdoor for 13 years. At one point one of my sister's asked mom to let her border collie stay with her for a month while she took a trip. Jack did not like having a dog stare at him,and didn't come inside all month. When my sister's dog finally went home,Jack did not come back. Mom was super upset for months.

About 5 months after that,I was outside and saw Jack in a neighbor's yard. I called him,and he turned and stared at me. As I walked toward him,he turned and started to bolt. So I called him again,and sat down in the grass. Mind you,I have known this cat all his life. He turned back toward me,and slowly ambled his way over. As soon as he got close enough,I scooped him up(like I always did)and he went limp like he always does.

I walk into mom's house,and announced "look who finally showed up!" as I dropped Jack in my mom's lap. She cried as Jack snuggled with her for the rest of the day. I can see her now,as if it was this morning. Needless to say,she never subjected Jack to that visitor again.

It can happen. Have faith. And if it is not you cat,feed it anyway. Maybe it's ment to be your cat.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
It could be her. My brothers cat was missing for a month and when he came home he was very skittish and unsure for a few days.