Another heartbreaking tragedy

hasler the cat

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 24, 2015
Last year I lost my cat and he didnt come back. And about a month ago, we adopted a new kitty. Im on hands taking care of him.  that kitty helped me to recover from the pain that i got from losing my 2 year-old cat. i remember just a few days ago, i said to myself that i can finally let go of the thought losing my cat mysteriously and just remember our happy moments together...and just be happy with my three other cats.

...Until this morning, dad woke me up with a bad news. one my adult cats died. She was so pretty and very lady like. She was a diva hehe, she knocks on our door or window when she wants to come in. Plus, she finally accepted and befriended our new kitty. they even play with each other. But good things didnt last that long. she was just a little bit more than a year old.

we found her under our car. it wasnt us who hit her. we found blood on her nose and a small pool of blood under her head nad her tongue was partly stuck out, her eyes half opened. we didnt know what exactly happened. she was an outdoor cat with a collar on. Im just gonna miss her. In less than a year i lost two of my best friends. yesterday morning, she came up to my bed and starts cleaning herself. she woke me up by licking my foot too. hehe. im gonna miss her that when i place my hands on her she's gonna start licking it and clean it. thats how sweet and thoughtful she is despite her diva-ness haha. 

Bye Chichibelle. I love you. You'll be missed. :( 

any thoughts how she died? i mean she it could be hit by a car but she didnt have any physical injuries aside from her bleeding nose. is  that possible?



Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I'm so sorry to read about Chichibelle.  Losing two cats so close together and so suddenly just must be heartbreaking.  She sounds like she was a very loving girl - you can see it in her eyes.  She really was a beauty.  To answer your question about being hit by a car, yes it is quite possible that a cat hit by a car will show no symptoms except a nose bleed.   My kitten Whisper got out years ago on Christmas Eve and we found him at the side of the road without a mark on him.  I'm pretty sure he got hit by a car, though because it was a dark street and he was a dark gray tabby.   Anyway, my heart goes out to you for what you are going through.  I hope you can find some comfort with your other cats.  Even though none will ever be Chichibelle, they are all there to share their love with you.

RIP Chichibelle.  



TCS Member
May 19, 2016
So very sorry to hear your tragedy, we just lost a very special 2-1/2 year old cat Elvis Muffin two weeks ago and are still feeling so sad. He was the happiest little cat I have ever had and he brought so much joy into our home. We have three other older cats and they seem lost without him as much as we are.

There are some definite questions about vet care in our case, what I would recommend to everyone is stay with your cat through as much of any emergency situation as you can and don't ever be afraid or too intimidated by the doctors, or too overwhelmed by your emotions, to speak up and ask questions, even hard ones. Most importantly trust and listen to your inner gut. It's rarely wrong and if something seems off, it probably is.

We lost a very dear friend as much through our own inaction as the incorrect or neglectful actions of others. Those of you who can keep your cats indoors please do so. It is so sad and tragic to hear these stories of cats hit by cars. Time heals they tell us. :(


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Cebu, Philippines
Sorry for your loss, we have known tragedy as well, and can relate. To answer your main question, yes, internal trauma often has no obvious visible injuries. Since cats are covered in hair, it is almost impossible to see bruises and other injuries.

Second, we have a lot of rescued cats, and in the beginning, they were indoor/outdoor cats. When we had just a few, there was never any trouble. They always came home, ate well, looked healthy etc. UT we have moved several times, and have now been in the same house for nearly 3 years.

As rescuers of orphaned/street kittens, our numbers have grown, exponentially. Not through new births, just there are that many stray cats here in the Philippines. We spay/neuter all our rescues.

Anyway, we got to about 10 cats, last year. Still indoor/outdoor cats, and never had a problem (that we knew of). Then, one cat vanished. Then another. We were heartbroken and could not understand where they were going. And then the worst thing that could happen, did. Our first rescue, a tiny tabby with a broken leg, who had lived with us for nearly 6 wonderful years, stopped eating and would leave the yard (which she never did before). It was soon after a round of deformed, and we noticed that she was losing weight. In my ignorance at the time, I thought it was her expelling all the worms. But that was not the case. Turned out that she began to suffer from renal (kidney) failure. After a month of battling the disease, her kidneys went from bad to worse, and we had to put her down, we could not stand to see her suffer anymore. The single most painful experience in my life.

Soon after that, one of the recent rescues at the time, was playing outside with several other kittens (we live on a mountain top, very little traffic, and they were more adolescents than kittens)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Cebu, Philippines
Sorry, wrong button.

Anyway, my wife was outside when I heard a horrible scream. I ran out to find her worst nightmare, coming to life, literally.

Our cat Bruce, was in the clutches of a very large python. I didn't even know they lived in our region. He was bitten on the shoulder and already in 3 wraps of the powerful snakes muscled body.

I was able to recognize that it was a constrictor snake, and not venomous, so I grabbed his tail (over 10 feet long) and began to swing him like a garden hose until he let go. And fortunately, while scared, Bruce was physically OK.

From that moment, we transitioned our cats to indoors, all of them. We are now at 32 cats and kittens. It has been very difficult to handle all the kids we have, and getting them all fixed, is difficult and expensive, but we are willing to sacrifice some of the things we want, to make sure our children get what they need.

Having them all indoor, also allows us to keep a much closer eye on their health. After losing our first to kidney failure, we are able to see changes in behavior with the other cats, and just went through an ordeal with one of our recent rescues, also showing renal failure. We caught it before it became permanent, and she is doing great.

Just remember, sometimes our kids are taken from us, but I assure you that she is still there, and she will likely return in the form of another kitten looking for you already. Our Gimpy has returned to us, in tiny parts of other kittens we have save. GG, short for Gorgeous Girl, has the eyes, color and mannerisms of Gimpy, then we have another new addition, Liberty, she is Gimpy reincarnated, the Queen of the House, protective of us, and jealous of others who fight for our attention. We know that Gimpy is in there. And with the heartbreak we have suffered through, the happiness and smiles that our other children give us, is more than enough reward to help us through the heartbreak.

In all, we have lost 5 cats, rescues from the street, often have hidden problems, and when abandoned as kittens, they are often difficult to return to perfect health. We fight for each of them, but we don't always win. Thankfully our successes are fake greater than our failures. This keeps us going, and we love all of them equally.

So keep your chin up, know there is nothing you could have done, and if possible, start looking at rescues from your local shelter, she is there, waiting for you to come take her home.
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hasler the cat

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 24, 2015
I'm so sorry to read about Chichibelle.  Losing two cats so close together and so suddenly just must be heartbreaking.  She sounds like she was a very loving girl - you can see it in her eyes.  She really was a beauty.  To answer your question about being hit by a car, yes it is quite possible that a cat hit by a car will show no symptoms except a nose bleed.   My kitten Whisper got out years ago on Christmas Eve and we found him at the side of the road without a mark on him.  I'm pretty sure he got hit by a car, though because it was a dark street and he was a dark gray tabby.   Anyway, my heart goes out to you for what you are going through.  I hope you can find some comfort with your other cats.  Even though none will ever be Chichibelle, they are all there to share their love with you.

RIP Chichibelle.  

Thanks. she really was lovely. and vain to for she really take it her cleansing so seriously. :) Im still in shock for what happened. But thanks for the comfort. I really appreciate it :) 
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hasler the cat

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 24, 2015
So very sorry to hear your tragedy, we just lost a very special 2-1/2 year old cat Elvis Muffin two weeks ago and are still feeling so sad. He was the happiest little cat I have ever had and he brought so much joy into our home. We have three other older cats and they seem lost without him as much as we are.

There are some definite questions about vet care in our case, what I would recommend to everyone is stay with your cat through as much of any emergency situation as you can and don't ever be afraid or too intimidated by the doctors, or too overwhelmed by your emotions, to speak up and ask questions, even hard ones. Most importantly trust and listen to your inner gut. It's rarely wrong and if something seems off, it probably is.

We lost a very dear friend as much through our own inaction as the incorrect or neglectful actions of others. Those of you who can keep your cats indoors please do so. It is so sad and tragic to hear these stories of cats hit by cars. Time heals they tell us.
Im also sad for my new kitty since he finally had someone to play with and be friends with since he came from a family of 5. anyway, i do hope i can manage all of these eventually. Thanks for the support.  Sorry about your cat too. May time heal us...soon :(
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  • #8

hasler the cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 24, 2015
Sorry, wrong button.

Anyway, my wife was outside when I heard a horrible scream. I ran out to find her worst nightmare, coming to life, literally.

Our cat Bruce, was in the clutches of a very large python. I didn't even know they lived in our region. He was bitten on the shoulder and already in 3 wraps of the powerful snakes muscled body.

I was able to recognize that it was a constrictor snake, and not venomous, so I grabbed his tail (over 10 feet long) and began to swing him like a garden hose until he let go. And fortunately, while scared, Bruce was physically OK.

From that moment, we transitioned our cats to indoors, all of them. We are now at 32 cats and kittens. It has been very difficult to handle all the kids we have, and getting them all fixed, is difficult and expensive, but we are willing to sacrifice some of the things we want, to make sure our children get what they need.

Having them all indoor, also allows us to keep a much closer eye on their health. After losing our first to kidney failure, we are able to see changes in behavior with the other cats, and just went through an ordeal with one of our recent rescues, also showing renal failure. We caught it before it became permanent, and she is doing great.

Just remember, sometimes our kids are taken from us, but I assure you that she is still there, and she will likely return in the form of another kitten looking for you already. Our Gimpy has returned to us, in tiny parts of other kittens we have save. GG, short for Gorgeous Girl, has the eyes, color and mannerisms of Gimpy, then we have another new addition, Liberty, she is Gimpy reincarnated, the Queen of the House, protective of us, and jealous of others who fight for our attention. We know that Gimpy is in there. And with the heartbreak we have suffered through, the happiness and smiles that our other children give us, is more than enough reward to help us through the heartbreak.

In all, we have lost 5 cats, rescues from the street, often have hidden problems, and when abandoned as kittens, they are often difficult to return to perfect health. We fight for each of them, but we don't always win. Thankfully our successes are fake greater than our failures. This keeps us going, and we love all of them equally.

So keep your chin up, know there is nothing you could have done, and if possible, start looking at rescues from your local shelter, she is there, waiting for you to come take her home.
oh wow losing 5 cats in 5 different ways (and some of them were considered extreme cases) must really be painful. Im so sorry for you have to endure the pain. But im sure they were all happy to have you as their owner for how you fought for them. And i salute you for the dedication you put in saving street cats. all our cats are from the streets as well and if only i have the means to take more...

anyway thanks for sharing. I do hope for the best for our remaining cats.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
My heart goes out to you, I know how difficult it is to find one of your companions like this.When my Chrissy was hit by a car, she had no visible injuries, just blood from her nose and mouth. We live near a busy street and have buried many, the strays gravitate to us because they know we will provide food and care. What happened was a horrible accident, don't let all the should haves, could haves, apply guilt to the pain you feel now, it only brings heartache. Try to celebrate the short time you spent with that wonderful little calico diva, you gave her what she wanted the most on this earth, love and care. After so many deaths, I have accepted that I cannot save them all, but I will do what I can for the ones that are under my care. The ones left behind need us so very much, the ones who have moved on from our lives need us to remember them and to do good in their names to give their lives here on this earth meaning.  The loss of these sweet innocents hurts, everyone of them deserves a long life full of happiness, it is up to us to provide that for as long, or short time we have. She would be the last one to want to see you so sad, she left you a wonderful legacy of love for you to pass on, and sweet memories to comfort you in your time of mourning. Don't let this shut your loving heart, keep it open and full of sunshine for your sweet Chichibelle to dwell in, she will be held there forever, the bond you have formed can never be broken. Please accept my condolences, I know the pain can be overwhelming at times, surround yourself with people who understand and hug those little ones close that remain in your care. RIP sweet diva Chichibelle, may you reign over your new kingdom at the Rainbow Bridge, and bring comfort to the ones you loved with the memories you left behind! 
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hasler the cat

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 24, 2015
My heart goes out to you, I know how difficult it is to find one of your companions like this.When my Chrissy was hit by a car, she had no visible injuries, just blood from her nose and mouth. We live near a busy street and have buried many, the strays gravitate to us because they know we will provide food and care. What happened was a horrible accident, don't let all the should haves, could haves, apply guilt to the pain you feel now, it only brings heartache. Try to celebrate the short time you spent with that wonderful little calico diva, you gave her what she wanted the most on this earth, love and care. After so many deaths, I have accepted that I cannot save them all, but I will do what I can for the ones that are under my care. The ones left behind need us so very much, the ones who have moved on from our lives need us to remember them and to do good in their names to give their lives here on this earth meaning.  The loss of these sweet innocents hurts, everyone of them deserves a long life full of happiness, it is up to us to provide that for as long, or short time we have. She would be the last one to want to see you so sad, she left you a wonderful legacy of love for you to pass on, and sweet memories to comfort you in your time of mourning. Don't let this shut your loving heart, keep it open and full of sunshine for your sweet Chichibelle to dwell in, she will be held there forever, the bond you have formed can never be broken. Please accept my condolences, I know the pain can be overwhelming at times, surround yourself with people who understand and hug those little ones close that remain in your care. RIP sweet diva Chichibelle, may you reign over your new kingdom at the Rainbow Bridge, and bring comfort to the ones you loved with the memories you left behind! 
Thank you. yes i was applying that couldve shouldve thing and just made me feel worse. Funny thing how she ended up with us. Through the officemate of my sister, chichi clung with her tiny claws on my sis' office mate's pants and was surprised that chichi was with her....still clinging up to their office! lol, so my sister get took her home and that was the start. It's like she really wanted someone to be with. And i hope we were able to fulfill her wish.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 17, 2016
Cebu, Philippines
We have grown accustomed to losing them, unfortunately. But we celebrate all of them, and it is hard to stay sad with so many little beauties running around. The latest two rescue, Gamora and Nebula, are tiny kittens we heard over the whine of our motorcycle. We have developed hyper sensitivity to cats, our eyes and ears can locate a kitten from very far away. They are strange little ladies, their pattern is more like a Leopard, and they are as sweet and playful as any we have found. They a purr machines as well, we love them so much.

But they are part of a family, a HUGE family.

Gimpy (we always count her)

Then our tabby army


GG (gorgeous girl, we rescued her while she was pregnant, for fear of the kitten being injuries or worse)

And finally, Hercules. The original Hercules had a bowel obstruction (one of the babies of GG). We fought day and night to keep him going, but he had a failure to thrive. The day he passed, Hercules stepped out of the shadows, and sat down in front of us, like he was waiting for us to pick him up. We knew instantly when we got off the motorcycle and approached him, that it was our Hercules all over again, just felt it.

Anyway, that is our family. I am new to this site, and will post photos of all very soon.

PS we also have four huskies, Logan, Mystique, Aurora and Alpacino (one word)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 19, 2006
I'm sorry for your loss. She was very beautiful. RIP Chichibelle.
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hasler the cat

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 24, 2015
Thanks guys. Am i overreacting? i mean yes my family is saddened by her untimely death but i personally, is struck hard. I mean I dont wanna go out for a while, just sleep and alone. of course the sadness im feeling. nahh. (it's weekend today here btw)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Your heart is grieving, it doesn't know the difference between human and feline,you loved her and now she is gone. I cry three years later, not as much, maybe only once a month now, time does help to soften the pain. Of course you'll feel 'low' for a while, all you can do is remember that your sweet little girl would never want you to be so sad when remembering her, try to celebrate the time you did get to spend together. the bond you forged will be there forever, ask her for comfort. You will be blessed for hurting so bad from loving so much, you are not alone.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I'm so sorry for your loss.  Beautiful Chichibelle.  Though I couldn't say for sure what happened, it is likely she was hit by a car.  I'm glad she made it home to you, so that you wouldn't be left searching and wondering. Bless you.