

TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 23, 2022
Hello Everyone,
I had a neighbor who had been hoarding cats. She was evicted from her home and left 37 cats. People in the area started setting traps not the humane kind but the ones that choked the cats. We started finding their bodies in the green belt area in our neighborhood. We just couldn’t sit by and do nothing. We worked with a vet to trap, neuter and release. We caught everyone of them. The pod however all had the typical upper respiratory infections that plague feral cats. Over the last 15 years the # has now dropped to 14. Due to this kind of sickness, we have had to give amoxicillin endlessly to keep the pod healthy. The meds and visits just keep going up. When I started helping
the pod amoxicillin was $24 a bottle. Now it’s $60 a bottle. The office visit is over $80. It is just getting to high. We are retired now and continue to help this original pod. We have been told that Fish Mox is the same product as I’m getting from the vet. Has anyone on this forum ever used it. If so what has been your experience. I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks so much.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
People in the area started setting traps not the humane kind but the ones that choked the cats. We started finding their bodies in the green belt area in our neighborhood.
I don't know much about using Amoxicillin but I know a thing or two about trapping.

It's hard to tell what's going on because, first you say that a neighbor hoarded then abandoned a bunch of cats then you allude to a time period fifteen years later. Do you mean that the trapping happened fifteen years ago?

Regardless, trapping animals...ANY highly regulated in most places in the U.S.

You mentioned that people were using snares or cable restraints of some kind. Yes?

Where I live (Pennsylvania) the use of cable restraints and snares is VERY tightly controlled. Not only are the types of snares and the ways that they can be used strictly specified, they are only allowed at certain times of the year. (Winter months.) Additionally, any kind of trap, whether it is mechanical or snare, must be tagged with the owner's name and contact information. All traps must be checked at least once every 36 hours. There are a lot more rules that govern traps and the ways that they can be used but I don't want to go down a rabbit hole, if you'll excuse the expression.

I don't know what the trapping laws are in other places but, in the U.S., many states have similar laws.

I care about cats but I also care about other animals, too. Not just pets. I would feel bad if somebody's family pet got caught and killed in an illegal trap but I'm concerned about the loss of rare or endangered species of wild animals, too.

If the illegal trapping that you mentioned happened that many years ago, there isn't much you can do about the past but, if it's happening now or recently, call the Game Warden!

Most states have 24-hour hotlines. In my state, you can call a hotline and, if it's an emergency, they will connect you to a Game Warden in your local area, 24/7/365.

Years ago, my brother hit a deer and totaled his car. The deer had broken bones but it was still alive and struggling so he called the Game Commission. It was 3:00 a.m. on a dark, country road in the middle of nowhere but a Game Warden was on the scene, within the hour, to humanely dispatch the deer. He even offered my brother a special permit to take the deer home and butcher it for food but he had to decline because his car was trashed and he didn't have any way to take it home.

Bottom line is this: If you find out that somebody is setting traps, illegally, in your area contact your state's Game Commission and report it! Immediately! Illegal trapping or hunting can carry BIG fines, loss of hunting privileges or even jail time!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
If you google "is Fish Mox the same as amoxicillan?" you will get lots of "yes" answers. I cannot personally attest to it, but many people seem to use it.