Age And Care For Very Small Kitten?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2014
This guy has a large messy story for being so young but I'll sum it up by just saying I have one orphan kitten, very small and without a friend. I've taken care of a few lone kittens that were still to young to be away from there parents in the past but I don't think they were this young.

#1: I was hoping someone could help me with a guess at it's age. I'm thinking right at the end of 3 weeks - start of 4 week but am not sure. He weighs 694g or 1lb 8.5oz. He can clime and run around a little but would still rather lay on his back with a toy then run around with it. Head to base of the tail hes 22cm or about 9 inchs.

#2: Also does anyone one have some names (would like one that reflects him going through a lot ) and care suggestions?
I know a kitten growing up without a 2nd kitten or even a parent to learn from can result in a not very well rounded cat and would like to help this little guy be the best cat he can. The last small kitten we took care of and kept is a biter as a adult, love bites but does draw blood. He also was raised with a puppy so had someone there to play with and cry if he was being to mean.

This poor boy has been getting dry food as his only source of food for weeks and I believe he is to small for it but is eating it as it was that or starve. I gave him about 4 bowls with a little KMR milk the 1st day and he didn't take much but was very happy to of had the milk. I've also given him a little wet can food.
#3: Would you guys give him milk still? If so how often?
#4: Should I let him have dry food or only cans and wet down dry food?

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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Is the dry food All Life Stages? He needs that or Kitten food. Can you obtain some canned kitten food, and also you can moisten the dry food, but don't leave it out for very long due to fast bacteria growth.

Here are a couple of websites that might be of help;
Saving Kittens

If you can make some of this;
tent test for dehydration and home-made pedialyte recipe - The Daily Kitten

Emergency Kitty Formulat Recipes

Kitten Glop Recipes - Supplementing Cats and Kittens with nutritious formula you make at home: presented by Bengal Cat breeder Foothill Felines.

How To Choose The Best Name For Your New Cat

I don't know if you're familiar with these things so in case not; Can you give him a snuggle sock - fill a sock part way with rice and let him have that, gently warmed sometimes. A heating pad set on low with a couple of towels on that will also help him to rest more easily since he doesn't have siblings or mom to snuggle up to. If you can't find a toy with a heartbeat, a ticking clock will help him - it's a semblance of a heartbeat.
Also, as he grows, be sure you don't let him bite your hands or fingers - give him soft toys.
And, speaking of teeth, it's been suggested to take a clean washcloth, wet it and slightly freeze it and let him chew on that.
Choosing The Right Cat Toy For Your Kitten


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 23, 2017
metro Detroit
I just took in an abandoned kitten about the same age as yours. The KMR-and-kitten food mush is what I'm feeding her (about 2 parts KMR to 1 part kitten food). Seems to be what she likes. She'll lick up the KMR and go back to eat the softened kitten food later within an hour. I do keep dry kitten food and water in there in case she needs a "midnight snack."

I think my kitty is five weeks or so because all four of her baby canine teeth (fangs) have erupted (I can feel four of them when she tries to bite me). From what I read, the eruption of teeth seems pretty reliable in aging small kittens. Your kitty is the same size, but slightly heavier than mine.

I named mine "Orange," because that's what color she is. "Blackie" or maybe the variant "Blake" might work, if you're of a similar mind.

I keep Orange in a closet at night for her own safety. The light helps keep it warm and there's a ticking clock hung on the outside wall. Will need to move her fairly soon, but it's working fine for the time being.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2014
Thank you all

I'm giving it a small bowl of them KMR 2-3 times a day. It has chicken soup dry kitten food. Also giving it some wet can food.
I also gave it a toy bear to sleep with.

It's very playful jumping off the back of the couch like crazy. It always wants to be on the couch with us but keeps randomly crying and running around like it maybe trying to find a friend.

Thank you for the names. Not so sure we'll be keeping the kitten so also want a name easy for people to use and like.

I came up with 3 ideas
Voodoo (very common name idea for a black cat but not overly common and kind of fits how much of a pain he is IMO)
Neo (It just sound like a nice name also who doesn't know the matrix)
Grimm (I like all 3 but think Grimm maybe nice to kind of say he came from a grim past.)

He reminds me of one of my other cats Loki hes just as crazy and as much of a trouble maker but I cant have 2 Loki.


Wild and Wonderful Animal Rescue Director
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2016
Morgantown, WV
I think your kitten may be older than you are thinking... his eyes look green? Which would indicate 6 weeks old. The weight also indicates around 6 weeks! They usually weight about a pound for every month their first several months and it looks like he is a pound and a half? Thank you for saving this baby! A picture of its teeth would help as well if you could get one! They get certain teeth at certain ages!
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2014
I'll try to get a picture of the teeth tomorrow. In person to me his eyes look kind of like they have a light blue overlay.

Here's the little cutie at the moment. He loves the little bear I gave him. Last time I looked at him he was sleeping on its side(super cute) now he's sleeping in between the back legs, still cute but also funny.

Here's a picture of one of his eyes. It's the only picture I have that really shows his eyes. Most pictures I have he's asleep in.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2014
Thank you.
He may look like a sweetheart but he's a major pain.

I think your kitten may be older than you are thinking... his eyes look green? Which would indicate 6 weeks old. The weight also indicates around 6 weeks! They usually weight about a pound for every month their first several months and it looks like he is a pound and a half? Thank you for saving this baby! A picture of its teeth would help as well if you could get one! They get certain teeth at certain ages!
He didn't like the idea of this and I couldn't get a very good picture of the back teeth but here's what I got.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
What a gorgeous little panther! I like the names Neo, Ajax or Perseus. It sounds like he really needs a playmate. Could you possibly foster another kitten or two for a rescue group? They provide supplies & it really is easier, in my opinion. They dont need to be the same age. And I crate train mine - 9 o'clock is bedtime so I announce "nite-nite" and put them in a medium dog crate with a box on its side so they can sleep in or on it. I include a small shoebox with litter & a dish of water. I cover it with a towel - there may be a few protest mews but they sleep all night that way. I have a small clock and stuffed toy for them to cuddle with.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2014
Yea we think Neo is going to be his name. I thought of trying to find him a friend. I'm not sure a rescue would really like us for fostering. We have cats, dogs and birds in a small rundown mobilehome. He did however make friends with Loki (oddly as Loki is a a-hole to almost everyone) and they were laying on the ground playing last night. Apache is kind of trying to make friend but is also unsure. 1 of our other cats has licked his head but only if I take Neo to him if not he leaves him alone. 1 other cat has FHS and finds the kitten scary. The last cat doesn't even seem to know the kitten is here. The kitten hates the dogs atm so the dogs just give him room.

Right now he lives in a large parrot cage at night and when were not home (which is very rarely) has been on the couch with us till we going to bed other then a few trips to the cage for litter box and water. Yesterday was the 1st day he wanted off the couch to check stuff out and play with Loki.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 7, 2014
We have taken in 5 kittens I believe (all lone kittens sadly just worked out that way) and kept 2 we have now. 1 other was taken by a rescue and rushed to a vet becuese he was dieing of fleas and lack of care.
1 of our other cats was about a 2 year old stray no one calmed for some reason. He is the sweetest dog/cat ever.
1 other cat was bought as a kitten of a indoor cat got out. We got him as a friend for our 1st kitten when he needed a play buddy.
Last cat was a cat from a broken relationship and is the one with DIS.
We also have about 15 feral cats outside we care for. Most of our kittens came from them before they got fixed (there all fixed now)
My mom also has 5 cats. 2 barn cats kittens that were sick and 3 others from stay/feral's that found there way to her home. All her feral are also now fixed. I actually found my 2 year old stray when I was at her place and he was cry on the porch in a storm.