8-wk Old Kitten Intermittent Gagging/dry Heaving


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 23, 2018
Hi all! This is my first post here, as I've turned into a worrywart and registered just to post this:

My latest foster fail is an 8-week old ginger DSH. He had a rough start in life- was found abandoned with his litter of 5, in the end only he and one other sibling survived (the sibling being fostered elsewhere.) We've been fostering him since 3 weeks old and he's made a total 180. He's a healthy, bright-eyed, curious, bouncy, active little fuzzball.

We started him on milk, began adding (moistened) canned food a week or so later, and right now he primarily eats canned food with some milk mixed in. We're weaning him off the milk.

We began adding dry food to the mix, though we water it down until it's soggy and soft.

The past few days, after eating & during playtime he'll occasionally stop and gag once or twice. No vomiting. Then he's back to playing or scurrying around or whatnot. He has no other symptoms- is eating/pottying/acting fine. We wish he'd drink more water, but since he's still being weaned off milk he may not need it at this point.

Initially we thought he was eating too fast, but it happens even 30 minutes after eating, so we're at a loss. He has no signs of a URI nor anything in his throat that we can see, and his lungs sound clear.

He has a few plush toys- we're thinking maybe when he plays with them, he's getting hairs in his throat? But he's had these toys for weeks and has only started doing this the past few days. We considered a hairball (he has very fine, thin hair) but can kittens this young get hairballs?

He's scheduled to go to the vet Tuesday for booster shots so as long as he's otherwise acting fine until then, we'll wait to inquire then. Obviously if something happens we'll get him to an emergency vet ASAP.

My previous cat passed away unexpectedly (and traumatically) in July due to an undiagnosed arrhythmia, so I'm a little paranoid about something happening to this one. Especially considering he had to fight sickness & malnutrition so early in his life. He's made such a recovery to this point, my worst fear is something happening to him now because I was unobservant or brushed off a symptom.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
We began adding dry food to the mix, though we water it down until it's soggy and soft.

The past few days, after eating & during playtime he'll occasionally stop and gag once or twice.
Hi! Welcome!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your other kitty - RIP sweetheart.

Back to the present, is his gagging related, timewise, to the addition of the kibble?

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
This is strange because this is what one of our dogs does!
He has some stomach acid stuff going on, and sometimes when he has a toy in his mouth that's shaped weird he'll drop it and do a gag/heave but bring nothing up. I actually think I made a thread about this at some point.
The hair in the mouth isn't a bad thought. Fuzzballs on the top of your throat would make anyone gag a little!
Like Furballsmom Furballsmom mentioned, you said you just started adding kibble in and this is when the problem began. Would it be possible to go back to just a good quality wet food (no kibble, no milk) and see if the problem resolves?