7 Yr Old Calico Not Eating As Much As Usual.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 26, 2018
I adopted my cat Aelin almost a year ago, a 7 year old calico (slightly) overweight at the time, (about 15 lbs at the time). She's always been kind of a little piggy, I usually leave a bit of dry food in the bowl all day and at night she gets a can of wet food that again I split up throughout the afternoon.

Recently we've noticed the tell tale funk in her ears that looks like ear mites, she also scratches quite a bit under her chin and the top of her head and face. Shes had a few hairballs this week witch really isnt abnormal for her. Also she doesnt seem to be interested in her food as much. She'll eat a few pieces of her dry food and then back away from it and only really licks up the gravy part of her wet food. Granted I came home today and he had eaten most of the wet food I left in her bowl.I got her to eat a few pieces of new dry food from my hand but when I put it in her bowl (stainless steel by the way) she turns away from it. Her treats on the other hand she gobbles down. shes still just as playful and sweet, super purring and cuddly as always.

Am I overthinking this or should I be worried? has her itchyness maybe upset her/ stressed her out? she has a vet appointment next week for her ears but I was wondering if other people had experienced this.