2 Month Old Kitten Sleeping In Water Bowl After Vet Visit?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 15, 2018
Hi, so, I just adopted a 2 month old kitten from my SPCA and he's been having a bit of a rough time.
He wasn't interested in eating and only drank a little bit. I tried giving him kitten milk in a syringe today and about 2 hours after, he threw up twice and had diarrhea. So I took him to the emergency vet clinic, and they gave him fluids, tested for parvo and parasites, and gave me Fenbendazole. They said they'll give me the results for the tests tomorrow, but I should give him the medicine every 12 hours until gone (1/2 a ml full). When I first brought him home, he was kinda sleepy but alert. He ate some of the I/D cat food (chicken) and drank a good bit of water. He intently watched the cars driving out the window.

However, I'm kinda concerned now. He's very sleepy and is sleeping w/ his chin in his water bowl. He'll wake up, drink, and go back to sleep. He's used the litterbox twice so far (once for pee and once for poop, which was very runny). He won't really let me hold him, which is really out of character, but that might just be because he's been poked and prodded all day so he might just be cranky w/ me. When he's not at the water bowl, he's hiding in his condo or under the chair.

It's been like 2 hours since I brought him home and I'm just wondering if this seems normal? His eyes are still bright, he is peeing, drinking and eating, and he's still pretty alert (I wiggled my fingers on the ground and he gave a halfhearted butt-wiggle)


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
well, not really normal sounding, no...but hopefully it wears off soon.
Do you have a way to arrange something over the bowl so he can still drink but won't run the risk of drowning if he's still doing this by the time you go to bed?