11wo Kitten Roundworm Not Eating


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2013
New York

My foster kitten, Clover, had to have an eye removed. The vet said it was beyond saving. She's recovering well from surgery, however, a couple of nights ago she puked up a roundworm! She's still been bringing up clear liquid, usually after I try giving her water with syringe.

I tried using ProSense roundworm dewormer the next morning, but it did nothing and her lethargy got worse. She's normally 2.7lbs, but today at the vet it showed 2.5, so could the dewormer have caused this lethargy? :/ The vet did not even recognize the ingredients of the ProSense stuff.

She's even more lethargic and still trying to bring some more worms up, it seems.

I have not force fed except a tiny bit of diluted KMR milk. She doesn't want anything so I kind of figure her body knows best?

I took her to the vet today and they gave me Panacur for the worms. 3 days @ 0.6, then again in 2 weeks time.

- Does this sort of thing usually improve and how worried should I be by her not eating?
- Do kittens bounce back from this sort of thing? She sort of lays there sometimes or sits, looking uncomfortable as if she needs to bring up more worms.
- Can I buy some DE to give her once she's done with the Panacur? I hear it helps with parasites.
- Will Nutrical help? I used it on previous foster kittens to help them gain weight.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This girl has escaped hell but it's still trying to take her. I am too poor to keep taking her back to the vet and I'm terrified of letting her go downhill. The vet did not even give her anything or seem worried about the 2 days of not eating.

-This is in New York btw.



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
She doesn't want anything so I kind of figure her body knows best?
She needs nourishment and nutrients.
Try Nutrical, a little honey rubbed on the gums, also Pedialyte tent test for dehydration and home-made pedialyte recipe - The Daily Kitten
Kitten glop will also help,kitten glop recipe
Baby food with no onion or garlic, especially ham flavor.
Can you try 50:50 chicken and rice, tuna juice, anything to get her to eat more.

I don't know about DE

Maybe there's something here that might help. Can you find a different vet, even though you're a foster? Or, find a different vet and ask them if you can work out a payment plan. Something...I'm so keeping my fingers crossed for you and your baby!!
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