Search Results

  1. ray-saulis

    Is It Safe to Give Olive Oil to Cats?

    This is very bad for your cat. Your cat receives up to 20% of its oxygen through its skin. Their skin is highly absorbent and when you get oil on them it doesn't ever really wash completely away. This can permanantly lower their oxygen rate. Before people just go and do something like this with...
  2. ray-saulis

    Is It Safe to Give Olive Oil to Cats?

    Olive oil builds up in the liver because the cat cannot process plant oil and eventually it will cause liver failure.
  3. ray-saulis

    Is It Safe to Give Olive Oil to Cats?

    Please don't listen to people who are not vets! Olives are HIGHLY poisonous to cats. Pleas do NOT give your cat olives or olive oils.