Search Results

  1. tari

    Pictures of Grace

    By popular demand, here are some pics of my new little girl, Grace. She really loves this perch I got for the window in her room: She doesn't look very happy in this's probably that tortitude coming through. She's definitely happier here. Seriously, how could I resist this...
  2. tari

    Please send vibes

    I haven't been around in quite a while due to work and medical issues, but I still see some familiar names. I could really use some vibes and support right now for my new cat, Grace. Grace was my next door neighbor's cat until about a month ago, when my neighbor moved. She had been looking for...
  3. tari

    Hello again...and an introduction

    Hello, friends...both new and old. I haven't been around for quite a while, mostly due to a job that's gotten pretty overwhelming and helping take care of my mother-in-law who suffered from Alzheimer's. I've missed you all, though, and thought of you often. My two big orange tabby cats...
  4. tari

    Any suggestions on getting Tailer to eat?

    Tailer, my 13 year old boy, has been eating less and less over the last few weeks. I took him to the vet yesterday, and after x-rays and bloodwork, the diagnosis is probably inflammatory intestinal disease. (I say probably because the only way to definately diagnose it is apparently with a...
  5. tari

    Tailer's had all he can stand...he can't stand no more

    I have two orange male tabby cats. They look just alike, but couldn't be more different in personality. Tailer is my older boy, he's 12, and he's my pacifist...definitely a lover, not a fighter. Forest is almost 5, he has cerebellar hyperplasia so his motor skills aren't so hot, and he's...
  6. tari

    Vibes for my sister

    My younger sister (she's 38) has been sick almost constantly for the last several years. She's got asthma and chronic bronchitis and sarcoidosis just for starters. Last year they found out that her iron levels were dangerously low, and she had to go for a course of iron injections. She just had...
  7. tari

    Sad news about Speedy

    I don't know whether this belongs here or in Crossing the Bridge, since it's about a bird, not a cat. But since everyone here was there with me when we found her, and she was named at the suggestion of one of my friends here, I felt that I should share the sad news. Speedy, the budgie that we...
  8. tari

    Anybody Heard About Travel Dangers in Los Cabos, Mexico?

    The organization that I work for is planning a meeting of our Board of Governors in Los Cabos in February. It's part of my job to handle the logistics for all of their meetings. I got a very dramatic-sounding e-mail this morning from one of our members alerting me to "severe travel risks" in...
  9. tari

    Spotlight Member of the Week 11/8-11/14 *GoldenKitty45*

    I had a fun week in the spotlight, and now it's time to pass it along. The next person who volunteered and who's never been in the spotlight, and who will be there this week, is: GoldenKitty45 Enjoy your week! Here are a few questions to get you started: How old are you? Where do you live...
  10. tari

    A bat and a bird

    It's been a completely crazy morning. DH and I were awakened at about 4 am by the sound of Forest running around like crazy in the living room. Forest has cerebellar hyperplasia so when he runs around it sounds like a herd of about 30 cats, but this sounded different than when he's playing with...
  11. tari

    I have a houseguest!

    I was at my parent's house today, and guess what wandered into their orange and white kitten. I'm sure she's somebody's pet. I think it's a female, but I'm not positive. She's very friendly and trusting. She purrs like crazy when you hold her. We asked around the neighborhood, but...
  12. tari

    Forest Just Swallowed a String!

    I'm so irritated with DH right now. He was folding some laundry on the floor of the living room, and he had a cotton towel that had a long piece of string (about 10 inches) hanging off of it. He KNOWS that string is irresistible (and potentially deadly) to Forest, but he let him come over and...
  13. tari

    Bowling Tonight...Wish Me Luck

    Now, I'm a notoriously terrible bowler. In fact, I once managed to bowl a 3. (Yes, it was for all 10 frames, and yes, I hit all 3 pins with the same ball.) DH loves to bowl and bowls in a mens' league through the winter. It's the off season for him, and he managed to talk me into joining a mixed...
  14. tari

    Pink pad + suitcase = Heaven

    For Christmas, my wonderful secret Santa, CarolPetunia, sent my boys a handmade pink pad to snuggle on. It was orignially intended for Harvey, but Forest immediately laid claim to it and wouldn't give it up. When I came home from my trip on Sunday night I set my suitcase down by the laundry...
  15. tari

    Can I get some "no asthma" vibes?

    I'm going to ask for a bit of that board magic... Over the last month or so, Forest has had about four "coughing fits" where he starts hacking and coughing and wheezing a bit. They look like asthma attacks to me, but asthma is what I know. (My Harvey had asthma.) They've all resolved...
  16. tari


    My back's been bothering me for a few days. Not a huge deal, I've had back problems for years, but I'm very stiff and sore in the mornings. This morning DH was out shoveling snow when it was time to feed the cats their breakfast. So I got up to feed them, but since I was stiff and sore I was...
  17. tari

    I'm a little freaked out

    So, last Saturday we picked up Harvey's ashes from the vet. He's in a nice little urn. I put the urn on the china cabinet, where I figured we'd keep him until next spring, when I'll bury his ashes in the yard and plant a tree in his memory. The thing is, Tailer's been hanging out on the china...
  18. tari

    Harvey went to the Bridge today

    Harvey's battle is over, and he's gone to the bridge. For those who don't already know this, my 18-year-old boy, Harvey, was diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma a couple months ago. We decided not to put him through chemotherapy or surgeries and to let him pass in peace. We've been doing...
  19. tari

    Harvey could use some vibes

    Hi everybody. I know I've been away a's been crazy the last couple months. I feel bad asking for vibes right off the bat, but my Harvey could use some of that board magic. Harvey is my 17-year-old gray tabby. He has had asthma for several years. When I went away on a business trip...
  20. tari

    Terrible Tailer

    So I've finally gotten around to loading some pics of Tailer... Tailer's been with us the longest, and he's my terribly spoiled, naughty boy. He's very smart, and can figure out how to get into anything from closed doors to canisters. He figured out a long time ago that we weren't going to do...