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  1. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear Lilith, Sophie, Henry and their devoted servant Kat: It is extremely nice of you all to remember the shelter cats at Christmas.  The Christmas Guru thinks one big wrapped box would be just fine.  Either way, however, the shelter cats will love and and appreciate the gifts.  What a...
  2. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear Tina (& Kim) As gingerbread houses are mostly appealing to humans your usual table decorations should be quite safe for your precious cat family.  This is unless the gingerbread is of a particularly heavy or sticky nature likely to cause serious injury should these houses fall into the...
  3. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    The Christmas Guru does understand.  Mice are heathens.   Can't they use a litter box like everyone else?  
  4. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear Anxious Stable Slave, It seems to me that the answer is in the question in this case. On Christmas Eve simply wait until Collie and Pushkin are asleep, take the gifts they have given each other out of their stockings and switch them. That way Collie will get carrots and Pushkin will get...
  5. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear Mia da Siamese, Judging from your manner of speech you are quite, quite young, almost difficult to understand.   Have you ever heard of the phrase "Age before beauty?".   If not it is time to learn.   While you may be very attractive,  Macha is your elder and you need to learn that and let...
  6. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear frog-lover-but-there-are-limits, I really don't understand the problem.   You are posting on a cat site and you seem to have a picture of a cat in your avatar. In other words, you already have built-in home security for these things, sort of a cat mafia .  While the Christmas Guru...
  7. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear concerned cat guardian, Bourbon.  Santa likes bourbon.     Eggnog laced with bourbon or rum is also an acceptable treat.  Have you seen how jolly is by the end of Christmas Eve?  It's the booze, concerned cat guardian.   Totally the booze.   Can I also suggest a few catnip cookies thrown...
  8. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear elf-in-training, Ambushing Santa?   That's my job!         The big guy is pretty slow when he's in his red suit and black boots.  He's an easy target.    As far as Shadow is concerned, have you considered bribery?  The CG is certainly not above bribery.  It's what makes the world, or at...
  9. christmas guru

    Meow! The Christmas Guru has arrived!

    One of the friendly Mentors here on The Cat Site suggested I start a thread here to introduce myself.    I am the almighty Christmas Guru.   @Anne, the wonderful owner of this site,  contacted me to help with your Christmas questions.   I live at the North Pole with the big guy.    I am his...
  10. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear Looking Forward to Christmas, Santa thinks you have misunderstood what is meant by Christmas morn. As soon as the clock strikes midnight the fun can begin, felt stockings hanging up in plain view are fair game for any kitty clever enough to find them. Let's remember that our feline...
  11. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear Santa Macha, Santa approves of your new Santa hat. He is always looking for helpers, if you promise to be a very good kitty and not break any of Meowmy's ornaments or knock over her Christmas tree this year he will let you be his Santa girl. best wishes. CG
  12. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear StephenQ Please tell Jenny that she doesn't need to be able to write to ask Santa for presents. All she has to do is face the North Pole and wish with all her might. Santa will hear her and bring her whatever her heart desires. Love to Jenny and Cricket CG
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  17. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

    Dear Unsigned. I think Artie would be very happy if you grew yourself a tail for Christmas. He already loves following you around, if you had a tail that he could chase and pounce on it would make following you all the more fun. Think how much exercise you would both get, you swishing your tail...
  18. christmas guru

    Ask The Christmas Guru - Official Thread!

     Dear Unsigned, In order to keep your feline friends happy and to make your house look festive you really need to think about a cat tree. All cats have the right to climb, to spy on you from high places, to knock things down on your poor unsuspecting little heads and to hurl themselves down...