Search Results

  1. kittencrusader

    What weird names do you have for your cat? I can't be the only one

    My resident cat's name is Zip. We also call him, Zippity Do Dah, The Bub, Bubba, and Prince Zipicus Poobuttington.
  2. kittencrusader

    Please help caring for a 2-3 week old orphaned stray kitten

    We're back!! All is still well. Kitten has a case of mysterious vanishing poops.( or she's eating them ) It has to be going somewhere. I was wondering when I can start leaving kitten alone for about 4-5 hours? She's getting way too big and active for me to keep bringing to work. I'd go home on...
  3. kittencrusader

    Please help caring for a 2-3 week old orphaned stray kitten

    The baby is doing well. Still having bowel movement difficulty. It's been since Sunday at 2pm. Going on 3 1/2 days. We've been mixing 1 part KMR with 1 part distilled water and 1 part Pedialyte. The kitten has received 2 dosages of laxative within 16hrs prescribed by the vet. I did read pumpkin...
  4. 2015-09-09 23.26.32.jpg

    2015-09-09 23.26.32.jpg

  5. 2015-09-01_20.53.45.jpg


  6. kittencrusader

    Please help caring for a 2-3 week old orphaned stray kitten

    Kitten has a large carrier it stays in. I put in a heating pad that covers half of the bottom. I lay a fleece blanket inside to cover the heating pad folded over about 3 times. Added a small very soft towel in as well that I blanket over the kitten when it's sleepy time. Change linens everyday...
  7. kittencrusader

    Please help caring for a 2-3 week old orphaned stray kitten

    Victory!! Kitten has pooped! :D  I don't think I've ever been so happy to see poo in my life!  The laxative and a little extra stimulation.  Number 2 works for this guy and gal!!  Thanks again everyone! 
  8. kittencrusader

    Please help caring for a 2-3 week old orphaned stray kitten

    I took kitten to the vet this morning since the baby hasn't passed a stool still.  Kitten seems well, still feeding and active. Temperature was perfect. The vet said there is a stool in there, it's not hard nor does it seem like diarrhea. He didn't want to induce an unnatural bowel movement by...
  9. kittencrusader

    Please help caring for a 2-3 week old orphaned stray kitten

    Hello, I'm caring for a 2 week old kitten orphaned stray  since Wednesday morning August 26th Kitten had a poop on Wednesday and then diarrhea early morning on Friday. Since then the kitten has not defecated. Is urinating on regular basis . I am stimulating for defecation and urination...
  10. kittencrusader

    Please help caring for a 2-3 week old orphaned stray kitten

    Thank you everyone for your replies and help. @catwoman707 I have taken your advice and placed a heating pad under a towel that covers half the cat carrier and turned it on low. I did wash the kitten with your method and used a flea comb. I did not see any fleas which is a releif; however...
  11. New kitten.jpg

    New kitten.jpg

  12. kittencrusader

    Please help caring for a 2-3 week old orphaned stray kitten

    Hello, I am brand new to the forum and may need some tips and advice for a new 2-3 week old kitten I have found in a storage unit at my apartment complex. I apologize if there is already a thread outlining all of this, if so please direct me to it.  Thank you in advance. Here goes. 2 nights ago...