Search Results

  1. L

    Sylvester is in da' house! (pray that he can stay)

    A miracle happened today! One of the two little cats who have been living in my backyard decided it was time to come in out of the cold. For two months, he has been shy as could be, running whenever he saw me. Yesterday, he was still running--but when he reached a "safe" distance, he turned...
  2. L

    How to repel coyotes without also scaring off the cats?

    I have been feeding one feral for about 7 months, and a second cat is now coming to eat every day. Unfortunately, a coyote started showing up two nights ago. (I am using a trail cam to monitor what goes on, so I'm pretty sure it's only just started coming around.) How can I scare off the coyote...
  3. L

    Best winter shelter for feral cat

    A few months ago, I posted about the little feral mama and kittens who were living under my porch. I had her spayed and released her back into the yard, and the kittens are all in good homes now. (Two in mine!) I am still leaving food for Little Mama, and every few weeks I do get a glimpse of...
  4. L

    What's the best litter for baby kittens?

    I just adopted a pair of 8-week-old kittens, and I am worried about what type of kitty litter to use for them. I use unscented clumping litter for my other cats and haven't had any problems with it, but I've been reading that it's not safe for the little ones. They play in the litter box and...
  5. L

    What, and how much, do you feed your adult ferals?

    I'm still feeding Little Mama kitten chow, which is what I was originally putting out for her and the kittens. But the kittens have all been in foster care for two weeks or more, and she has been spayed, so her body is no longer going through the stresses of pregnancy and lactation. So I think...
  6. L

    TNR--Requesting advice on the "R" part

    A little over two weeks ago, I discovered that a little feral kitty was raising a litter of six kittens under my back deck! The babies were between six and eight weeks old and eagerly ate the dry kitten chow I put out, so they were old enough to be weaned and socialized. I trapped Mama, and a...