Search Results

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    do the cats know I'm pregnant??

    I've been noticing a change in Leeloo's behavior (she's 7 yrs old I've had her since she was a kitten) lately, I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with my first, and Leeloo has just been very attached to me! If I go to bed early my husband will close the door to keep out light or noise and if Leeloo...
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    Ziggy says Happy Halloween!

    I have an awesome pirate kitty!! I know a lot of you remember Ziggy from all the stories I posted about his eye and his surgery a few years ago so I thought I'd share this photo of him that I just took so you guys could see how well he's doing he also has a pirate collar but I can't seem to...
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    black spot on tongue

    I am really scared of finding spots, because almost 3 years ago when I found some weird black spots in Ziggy's eye they turned out to be melanoma and he had to have his eye removed. I posted about it here when it happened I don't know if anyone remembers though XP anyway for awhile now maybe...
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    'catkins diet'

    so my Ziggy weighed in at 17 lbs at his yearly check up a few weeks ago. he doesn't have diabetes but my vet recommended the 'catkins' diet for me to prevent more weight gain and eventually getting diabetes. he gave me a list of wet food that I should serve him and I can NOT get him to eat it...
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    my cat's been sneezing a lot this morning and I was just wondering when should I be concerned? he had his annual vet check up just this past wednesday and he was fine then so I'm wondering if he might have picked up a little cold from the vets office? any help would be very much appreciated
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    kitty dandruff

    So Leeloo has had some dandruff for a little while and I've tried different kinds of food to help but it never fully goes away. I try to brush her (she's a short hair cat) but she hates it, she's a very timid tortie so its a bit difficult to do things like brush her/trim nails etc... I was...
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    Leeloo goes psycho at the vet!!

    my cat Leeloo is 4 and has always been a terror at the vet. we always went to the same guy and her behavior gradually got worse and worse. we tried acepromazine (sp?) and valium and she just freaks out on them, the sedation doesn't work and once she even fainted in the vets office from freaking...
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    Runny eye and bad vet behavior

    I just recently moved across the country and I've found a vet nearby that was highly recommended to me but haven't been there yet. for the past few weeks Leeloo's eye has been running, its like a sticky grey color goo that sits in the corner of her eye that sometimes will turn crusty and black...
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    when does vomiting become a concern?

    I know cats sometimes eat too fast and may throw up soon after, Ziggy has been guilty of that before. as well as other non threatening reasons why they might vomit, but at what point does vomiting become a worry? we woke up this morning to find several spots of throw up around the apartment. we...
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    Horrible behavior at the vet.

    Hi everyone. I just moved to Los Angeles (Culver City more specifically) and I was wondering if there was anyone in the area who could recommend a good vet. one of my cats, Leeloo is almost due for her yearly check up and I'm kind of nervous about it because even though at home she is a...
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    black spot on tongue!?

    Ziggy has a little black spot on his tongue that I don't remember ever seeing there before. I feel like I am reliving the moment last year again when I saw the little spot in his eye that eventually led to cancer. the vet said that the eye was removed early enough and that she highly doubted...
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    Ultrasound necessary?

    I have posted previously about Ziggy and how he was diagnosed several months ago with iris melanoma. he had the eye removed in November and the eye specialist suggested that even though she was very optimistic that the cancer had not spread that if I wanted to be sure I sould have bloodwork...
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    scratching, making himself bleed

    Ziggy had surgery almost three months ago, the first week of November, to have his eye removed. the area healed up nicely all the fur grew back and everything. last month my boyfriend and I went away for the holidays and left the cats alone for four days, when we came home Ziggy had scratched...
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    how to fix an open cut?

    Ziggy had surgery over a month ago, he healed just fine but the other day I noticed a scab just above the area that was sewn shut (he had his eye removed so its just above where they closed up the eye lid). Then just now he came in the room and I noticed blood in the same spot the scab had been...
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    Leeloo loves playing under the covers

    Leeloo always goes nuts when I put new sheets on the bed. making the bed is like her Disneyland or something. so I was changing the sheets, and usually I have to race and try to get all the sheets, blankets and comforter on before she notices or before she can get too tangled up in them, but...
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    official diagnosis: Feline diffuse iris melanoma

    I am making this post to URGE everyone to take their pet to the vet and to a specialist if they ever see ANYTHING like this in their animal's eye. when this first happened to Ziggy I had no idea what was going on, I was told by so many that it was nothing, just a pigment change and that it was...
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    It's not over

    I got a call from the vet who did Ziggy's biopsy today... I really don't have the strength or will to write it again so I am posting a link to Ziggy's myspace blog where I wrote about it.
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    one-eyed Ziggy has fun with birthday presents!

    Ziggy who just had enucleation surgery less than two weeks ago is recovering so well!! anyway yesterday was my birthday and he went to town with the ribbon from one of my presents, and I thought I'd share the pictures! (the stitches and the cone-collar comes off in two days!!)
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    Ziggy's surgery story.

    For any of you who have read my previous posts about Ziggy, this is the one that really started it: Ziggy had his enucleation yesterday, and everything went very well. I wrote out the whole story on my livejournal here...
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    Ziggy's surgery date is set

    If anyone remembers from my previous post Ziggy was diagnosed with melanoma in his left eye a couple months ago. He had his follow up appointment today and the vet said she saw some spreading so we have to remove the eye soon in order to save his life. we set the appointment date to November 8...