Search Results

  1. brighte

    Why the dirty nose?

    My cat, Cosmo Nova has a dirty nose. ALL the time! It drives me crazy! No sooner then I clean it, I turn around and it's dirty again. He's 8 years old and this problem only arose recently. He did test positive for Mycoplasma about 4 years ago, but when I did another Feline viral PCR test a few...
  2. brighte

    Goodbye baby Cheez-it

    She was only 4 weeks old. I had been struggling to get her diarrhea under control and to get some weight on her.  My heart aches for the future she will never get. I know she wasn't mine, but it hurts just the same. I'm sorry that I could not find the thing that would fix you and help you to...
  3. brighte

    Periodically limp skinny kitten~ please help

         I have a few foster kittens and one of them is having a difficult time. She is very small (~3 weeks old) and in the past week has had 4 episodes where she becomes very weak/limp for a few hours and breaths heavily. Each time (the usually happen around 9 pm) I fully expect to find her...
  4. brighte

    Not spraying~ but displaying Spraying like behavior

    I have five cats ranging from 3-11 years in age. My youngest two cats, Male age 3 and Female age 5, are displaying spraying like behavior. Not constantly, but occasionally I will see them back up to an object I am standing near and wiggle their tails like they are spraying. They do not spay...