Search Results

  1. grace chen

    At Wit's End!! Kitty refuses toppings on RAW

    Dear friendly cat geniuses 128571 I've promised an update so here it is. Day 1 - Fortiflora finally arrived n yeah! It's as "legendary" as they said it was. Sprinkled on beef which Charlie hates. He hates it so much he actually welches, loudly, and then goes on a hunger strike. Anyhoo...
  2. grace chen

    At Wit's End!! Kitty refuses toppings on RAW

    OK! I just bought fortiflora online and it's due to arrive 21st - 28th November... Can't wait to try it! Fingers (and toes) crossed that it's the legendary stuff and taste cats are supposed to like. Will post updates here when it's arrived. Charlie's not losing weight anymore. He did lose 300...
  3. grace chen

    At Wit's End!! Kitty refuses toppings on RAW

    And sorry for the delay in replays / updates! Just that we're coming into our 3rd week of raw diet after the past 10 months of so on being on commercial foods. And Charlie still won't eat more than his miserable 30 grams of meat each sitting. Even after 12-14 hour starvation window periods now...
  4. grace chen

    At Wit's End!! Kitty refuses toppings on RAW

    OK I just ordered Fortiflora after an island wide search where I'm from (Singapore). NONE of the vets/retail stores carry this. I'm wondering if it is then OK to have Charlie on it. Another qn, can cats with IBD be introduced to fish oils? Charlie doesn't eat them willingly so have to syringe...
  5. grace chen

    At Wit's End!! Kitty refuses toppings on RAW

    Dear All, Thank you for all the experiences and advice! Loving this forum so far. Not feeling too helpless anymore. So more questions: @LTS3  Charlie's already on probiotics (protexin caps) one pill per day. Is it still safe to flavor with fortiflora? Yes I read Dr Lisa took 3 months to wean...
  6. grace chen

    At Wit's End!! Kitty refuses toppings on RAW

    Dear cat geniuses and lovers! I usually don't post on forums unless I can't find previous threads or google info that helps with my problem. So here goes, please everyone be patient. :-) Charlie's weighing in at 3.7KG on a previous diet of Ziwi Peak canned (50gm) and Wellness kibbles (2...