Search Results

  1. L

    Teeth & Nails

    Hello everyone! I was reading the threads and I saw that someone suggested brushing your cats teeth once a week. What should you use for brushing? A toothbrush and tooth paste or what? (don't laugh... i'm new to this!) My kitten is about 13 weeks old and I was wondering when I can start...
  2. L

    Cold Sore

    Hello, My kitty (Toes) is only 9 weeks old and she loves to give me kisses, however, I have a gnarly cold sore on my lip that just popped up last night. Could this be harmfull to my kitty?
  3. L

    My cat thinks i am her Mom!

    Hello! I just got a baby kitten. She is 8 weeks old and last night when she was sleeping with me in bed she started sucking on my stomache. Then when I moved her she started sucking on my arm. It was like she was trying to get milk. She was making all sorts of weird noises too. Am I wrong...