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  1. H

    New cat. He won't stop meowing

    wow, thanks for the advice so far! While I was writing this post, Garfield snuck into the bedroom and peed on our bed. My SO wasn't very pleased, especially after we found out that he also peed on the living room carpet a while tonight we're not leaving the bathroom door open :( how...
  2. New cat. He won't stop meowing

    New cat. He won't stop meowing

  3. H

    New cat. He won't stop meowing

    Hello. I'm new here. Our cat's name is Garfield. Here's a picture of him He's a 13-week old orange tabby, we adopted him from a nice woman who rescued him. We've had him since August 3 now At first he was super shy and we gave him some time to warm up and get used to the bathroom Then we...
  4. 2cpfbx1.png

