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  1. J

    Socializing deaf kitten with older resident cat.

    I recently went through this process introducing a 10 week old kitten to my 2 year old cat.  I did the scent swapping thing and let them meet face to face after about a week which didn't go well - the kitten nose bumped the cat and the cat ran outside and then chose to spend most of his time...
  2. J

    Introducing semi-feral kitten to resident cat

    Hi  Thanks very much for your advice. The kitten has come on really well in the last week, he no longer hisses at me and though he's still a little wary when I walk around, he'll now jump up on my lap for a snooze.  He's still a little frightened of visitors but is gaining confidence. My cat...
  3. J

    Introducing semi-feral kitten to resident cat

    Hi I hope you can give me some feedback as I have two issues to contend with here, socialising a kitten and introducing him to the resident cat who is less than 2 years old.  Maybe I've taken on too much. 1.5 years ago I adopted 2 litter-mates at the age of about 3 or 4 months.  They were...