Search Results

  1. cheddar

    Kitten Quarantine

    I was asked by a neighbour to watch their kitten for the week-end while they are away. To my surprise, he is very young (i'm guessing 4 weeks). I have him away from my 2 kittens since I have no idea if he is sick. I'm going to ask them if they will let me find him a home as he was born from...
  2. cheddar

    Been a While (lots of pics)

    It's been a long time since I've been here. Been super busy with life. Cheddar is doing awesome, as well as his brother Devon. I have decided to keep Devon since he's such a sweet (but skittish) boy and him and Cheddar are very bonded. Both have been neutered, microchipped, and going through...
  3. cheddar

    Introducing Timid Kitten to Dogs

    I want to start introducing and slowly integrating Devon to the dogs. My boys have been great so far with Cheddar. I know they don't have a pray drive and have been accepting of having Cheddar in the house. They are good boys seeing as they do not rush over and intimidate and don't chase even...
  4. cheddar

    Cat Testing a Dog

    There's been an inquiry for my foster but they are asking how she is with cats. What is the safest way to cat-test a dog? (she shows a lot of interest and endless staring which makes me uncomfortable)
  5. cheddar


    Are cats like dogs where they are recommended to be spayed once they are fully matured? or at what age do you think it would be safe to neuter?
  6. cheddar

    Cheddar & Devon

    I introduced Cheddar and Devon and they played for hours. Devon is a baby from one of the feral cats I care for. By the time I caught him, he was very untrusting. He is slowly getting there. He now lets me pet him and he seems to enjoy it. I am now working on him letting me pick him up. He's...
  7. cheddar

    Endless Energy

    I'm hoping to get some tips on how to tire out an 11 week old kitten. Cheddar has endless energy and I was expecting it. But now it's getting to the point that he's sometimes a bit too much for my dogs. He plays a lot by himself (or me) with his toys but has taken a great liking to play too...
  8. cheddar

    Devon - A Work in Progress

    Devon is still a work in progress with a ways to go but very slowly he's getting there. He still hisses but not nearly as much as before. He's got a good appetite and just recently has started to eat treats out of my hand. He still won't let me touch him though. I was playing with Cheddar (aka...
  9. cheddar

    Large Cat Cages

    Does anyone have any experience with these 2 cages? I'm not sure which is a better quality/buy.
  10. cheddar

    Play Biting

    I'm having trouble teaching Cheddar to stop the play biting on my hands and fingers. He doesn't bite hard at all but don't want to encourage that sort of behaviour on people. Advice, tips, suggestions?
  11. cheddar

    Feral Kitten Left Behind

    Not sure if I mentioned that when I sent off the kittens to rescue one was accidentally left behind. I originally thought there were 5 babies, but I ended up catching 6 that day. A couple of days later I saw that there was 1 more. For about a week I hadn't seen him/her and was sad since I...
  12. cheddar

    Clumping Kitty Litter or Non-Clumping

    I was told to use non-clumping kitty litter for young kittens. I'm finding it a bit hard to keep his litter box clean since his pee doesn't clump as good. Does anyone know what the reasoning is behind not using the clumping type?
  13. cheddar


    Cheddar has diarrhea and was wondering if it is safe to give slippery elm. If so, some help with dosage would be greatly appreciated. His bum is also red, is there anything I can do to help sooth his bum?
  14. cheddar

    What Do You Feed Your Cats

    I'm interested in learning how to feed cats a raw diet. I feed some of my dogs raw but not sure how it works for cats or if it's the same. What are the menu's you give? Also, how would I prevent him from resource guarding food?
  15. cheddar

    Litter Box Training

    I'm in the process of introducing the litter box. Cheddar has peed in it several times but still no poo. Do kittens learn to use it all the time with time or is there anything I need to do in specific? I'm still helping him go in the meantime.
  16. cheddar

    Rescue to Help Stray Kittens

    I have been trying so hard to find a cat rescue that helps feral/strays in hopes of finding a foster home for Katica (mama cat) and her babies. Unfortunately I haven't had much luck and I completely understand that cat rescues are very full at this time. The best I have been able to find in...
  17. cheddar

    Weaning to Soft Food

    Cheddar is getting close to the 4 week mark. Is this the ideal time to start weaning away from formula? Is it recommended to soften kitten kibble or use canned initially then transition to kibble?
  18. cheddar

    My First Kitten

  19. cheddar

    Bonding Time

    I just thought I would share how cute Cheddar was today. I had him out on the couch with me while I dozed off while watching tv. Supposedly (as I was told by my partner) he fell asleep right beside my armpit and was out like a light just like I was and even though I was moving in my sleep, he...
  20. cheddar

    Caring for Young Kitten

    I'm hoping to gain some general insight on caring for a young kitten. At what age should the kitten be able to roam free? Do you out the kitten away when you can't watch him or at night? How did you integrate your kitten in a house with dogs? Do kittens get into trouble like puppies? What...