Search Results

  1. B

    Pennies, Canadian

    I seek out "real" copper pennies Put a few in a base full of Tulips and it will keep them from drooping (for a few days anyway)
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    Wedding Attendance/Attire

    Black may be "fashionable" - but it is not appropriate for a wedding. Clothes do have very symbolic meanings. I think we have all heard one of those vulgar comments on whether the bride is "entitled" to wear a white dress. Black's symbolic meaning is for loss etc, it is appropriate and...
  3. B

    Get in touch with your inner 12-year old

    Wut R U Sayng ?!!!!?? Lol I Dont Understand Any Of Wut Is Writen H3r3 Do!11!1111 :censor::censor::censor: Lol Paopl3 Rilly Chat 2 Each Oth3r Liek This ?!!?!?? Omg Forget Da Start Of Da D3clien Of Civilization - Loks Liek W3 R Already Theyre !!!111! Omg :censor::censor::censor: Lol Lol Omfg...
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    Get in touch with your inner 12-year old

  5. B

    Secret Beauty Rituals?

    Hello TTMom ! "The Coconut Milk" treatment does wonders (at least for my hair) You will need: an 8-12 oz can of coconut milk or coconut cream if the hair is extra dry. a shower cap a bandana or two a tall glass or a bowl (your preference) A towel a bottle of V05 conditioner (like Key Lime...
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    Secret Beauty Rituals?

    Well there are "Maintenance" things I do: 1. Deep treat hair twice a month with Coconut Milk followed by a Protein Treatment 2. Daily use of Moisturizer/Sunscreen 3. Various facial waxing (eyebrows and upper Lip) on an "as-needed" basis "Specials" - which is about once every three months...
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    Dr. Phil's Test

    Just because I'm feeling persnikety today.... Depends on the situation. Late at night I might be asleep or at a party, during the afternoon/early evening I might be fighting traffic or already home, in the morning - well who the heck knows how I feel until I get my coffee ! When I'm wearing...
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    Nuts or no nuts?

    I love nuts ! Pistachio ice cream and pudding Chocolate covered macadamia nuts Pecan pie Black walnut crumbles ! Where is that "drool" smilie anyway ?
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    Radio question for the day: 05/100/05

    I'm allergic to sulfa based antibiotics
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    What is something TERRIBLE you got for your birthday/Christmas/anniversary?

    A "Catholic schoolgirl's uniform" type outfit that I was expected to wear to work. The skirt was so short, I couldn't even lean over ! Ugh !
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    What's something really embarrassing you've done at work?

    I had a meeting in our newest building and needed to use the restroom afterwards. You guessed it - I walked into the men's bathroom. It wouldn't have been so bad except my manager and a few other managers I knew were ... uh .. using the urinals at the time. I screamed and ran out ...
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    What do you have in your hand bag?

    Let's see .. (rummages through stuff) My wallet Checkbook Lancome Lipstick in "Perfect Plum" Burt's Bees Lip balm a pen A small mirrored compact with loose powder Kleenex Some u-shaped hairpins, pony-ties, and an old hairstick "for emergency use only"
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    NyghtShade and... a human

    She looks beautiful ! What kind of cat is she ?
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    do you have an evil mother-in-law

    I love my MIL ! She is great to be around. I sometimes call her up just to talk and exchange recipes. Hmmm, I should probably take her with me when I go shopping - she has good taste too !
  15. B

    Just a question please?

    It looks like a hamster ....
  16. B

    Age-appropriate clothes??

    The clothes for adult women aren't much better. If I find a nice suit, dress etc that is actually well-made, it costs an arm and a leg ! I've taken sewing classes and there are some good yardage stores around here (they sell more than just quilting prints !) - it's less frustrating to make my...
  17. B

    She's not all that.

    Thread Hijack ! I don't think Jennifer Lopez can really sing or act - but to me she is a "breath of fresh air" body-shape wise. She shows that you don't have to be a scrawy or emaciated to be a sexy women. She has a realistic body shape. Hopefully one of these days, Madison Avenue et all...
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    What Things Annoy You?

    Any sort of proseletizer (spelling ?) - go away ! I'm happy that you found happiness in this or that but keep it to yourself and stop trying to force it down other people's throats !
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    Do you like your hair?

    I love my hair ! It is very fine, of medium thickness (quantity-wise) and I've finally got it to mid-back length ! I'm going to continue to grow it down to my tailbone. My only problem is getting it trimmed . I actually have to bring a tape measure with me and show the hairstylist...